The Gut Health Thread

made the mistake a of having a late (5pm) strong coffee on an empty stomach yesterday evening. had to make a mad dash from dropping madame off at gymnastics to the fancy new facilities in the frascati centre.

it was very much touch (cloth) and go but made it with not a second to spare as the second my ass hit the toilet seat there was a incredibly loud and liquid bowel evacuation.

i did observe that the new jacks are a significant improvement on the old ones

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I daren’t make enemies on the bastion of knowledge that is TFK :blush: I’ll leave that little joke between you two gents.

Is there a better feeling out there?!! :crazy_face:


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I wonder what state they’re in now.

I’ve often asked myself the same question

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I’d stay away from trap 1 for a while

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This was pure unbridled relief that I hadn’t sharted!

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I’m in Thailand and pissing through my arse. In mandatory quarantine hotel until the morning so no going getting any tablets etc. Turned inside out with the added jeopardy of piles given frequency and exertion involved.

Gut health, if the bowl is anything to go by, is like Ground Zero.

giphy (5)


What did you eat or drink?

Had a hotel burger yday when I got in. Was ravenous but the thing was pink. Too hungry and tired not to inhale it.

On the verge of prolapse now

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It was a burger what done me a few years back also…

It’s funny, I ate everything, absolutely everything while travelling in SE Asia 15 years ago and never had a problem
Then I was laid low from a burger in an American themed restaurant (I know) in Vientaine

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Eat what the locals do. Fried cricket is lovely…

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Test negative so can leave hotel in the morning. Will ate all round me as system entirely purged.

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Your gut biome is in fucking tatters. Your immune system is now akin to the Cork hurling defence and could get taken to the cleaners if you don’t get some decent nourishment into you.


Fuck that… Get on the buckets and get fucked up. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:… Did you try and arrange a meet with Nala?

Hydrate yourself and stay away from all red meat for the time being.

Haven’t time to meet up, here for work until Wednesday evening. Some parts still have curfew etc too so not much fuck acting going on about

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As we predicted. Any lad not ating shit may as well forget about it.