The Gut Health Thread

Shit man, didnt realise you had an actual issue. What’s the deal? Makes your stomach sick as in vomit or what?

I had a lot of acid in my stomach. Got scoped and nothing serious. He put me on a course of lazropole and literally from the minute I took the first one I never again had an issue

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Bad gastritis … Bad Cramps, bloating etc.

It’s a bit of trial and error food wise. Really fatty / deep fried food is a huge trigger. Carbonated drinks, starchy foods, caffeine can all have an effect … Eating big meals or late at night also. For years , before diagnosis, it was really only deep fried batter like in fish or onion rings that would cause cramps but everything else was fine. Then A year back I did the dog at Easter and I was fucked for 10 days and it’s kinda been a constant since then.
@KinvarasPassion … Am avoiding pasta, anything white bready and rice. Largely on oat milk but not fully off dairy. I can have a little of everything spaced out but if I had a rake of coffee, a carbonated drink and something fatty all in one day it would flare up. But having those spaced out over days seems to be fine… A weird one.

My yogurt making odyssey has taken me beyond mere l. Reuteri yogurt. You might find something of interest at There’s a hape of varieties as well as starters for vinegars, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi etc.

Having some issues on this front myself lately. More a sense of nausea that comes and goes. Had it for nearly a week at this stage, and had it for 4/5 weeks about a year ago. The Mrs says it’s stress. She’s probably right. Food not hugely enjoyable at the moment.

I’m getting fermented goods from a local vendor at my local market. Kefir water and sauerkraut. The stall owner reckoned that to get the full effects and restore a bit of balance you’d have to have a little bit of fermented food every day for 3-4 weeks.

Also, what I’ve learned from some digging is that there’s no point have probiotic foods like kefir and sauerkraut if you’re not eating pre biotic fibre. You might as well be pissing into the wind with a mallet up your hole.

Get it looked at mate.

Happened me as well so am getting it checked. I had very bad acid reflux around 12 years ago so I think it’s just that flaring up again. Stress kicks it off and it came back again after I had COVID in March.

Feel grand again but no harm in having a check up.

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Is this not fierce ironic when you’ve blathering on about gut health for years? You’d want to take a long hard look at yourself.

Dammit. This is something i may have overlooked

You’re probably wearing the waistcoat too tight …


I have similar issues now that you mention it, I’ve a prescription for nepramel which sorts the heartburn but the bloating issue rears its ugly head if I eat any of the foods you mentioned. A few spoons of full fat active yogurt is all I’d have after dinner and it helps but I think I have to change up the diet properly. I’m drinking like a cunt at the weekends since things have opened up and that’s obviously the first port of call.

I had COVID in March too :grimacing:

No. It’s an infection.

Hmmm as did I

That heartburn or more particularly acid reflux, if it’s regular, is very dangerous mate. It burns the stomach as it’s being pushed back up and is very cancerous if it’s let happen and untreated over a number of years. It’s the one thing my doc keeps reminding me about and to keep taking nexium to keep acid down.

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Yes I have proper acid reflux, I got a scope and all is fine but I have a prescription for nepramel for the rest of my life basically. A friend’s father found out about the dangers of acid reflux the hard way so that lit a fire under my arse.

I eat a huge amount of food and I cook pretty much everything but I’m pretty blind to the gut health side of things

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Resistance/weight training is very good for digestion. A gastro consultant told me that years ago.

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Funny how you were so susceptible to it all the same.