The Gut Health Thread

The toilet bowl won’t tomorrow

It would take it over the after effects of an 8 hour guinness binge…

Good point well made

I had a good laugh to myself when I saw these earlier. Some lads just jump straight in.

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Are you on the mainland?

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I nipped over alright. Client issue now resolved.

I listened to that last week … he makes some very unique claims which totally go against everything we’ve been told to date …

indeed, especially re exercise.

What’s the gist of it?

Don’t ate shite. Ate quality food - lots of vegetables and nuts and fibre for gut health. Drink water. Intermittent fasting. Ate in a ten hour window.

The calories burned by exercise are relatively tiny. However resistance training builds muscle which does burn calories. There’s also studies that show walking reduces appetite.

Everybody wants a silver bullet. Ate good quality food, don’t ate shite, lift weights and go for a walk. You’ll still die but you’ve a better chance to be physically active and able a bit longer than if you’re over weight.

Nothing unique so

Ate and drink away at black coffee and dark chocolate. That’s the only takeaways you need

exactly, more muscle more burning. He was very dismissive of exercise re calorie’s but didn’t mention it’s other benefits/

Back on the bandwagon


Any Gastritis/Acid Reflux sufferers?

Absolutely crippled with pain the last few days, would happen every 8 or 10 weeks and last a few days before the next time it happens.

Went for a scope around this time last year and nothing showed up. Test for H Pylori was negative also.

GP had diagnosed as Gastritis and have a repeat prescription for tablets but beginning to wonder is it something else…

Haven’t been on the beer recently and haven’t drank cider in 12 months I’d say…

Used to be doubled over with it. I seem to have grown out of it though. Never got it diagnosed but my dad had colitis and he grew out of it so I assumed twas that.

Still get acid reflux the whole time but no pain.

The only thing I ever found that even remotely worked was just to not eat for long-ish spells. I know that’s probably no help though

Would you be under much stress, what with the headlines about bad boxes n all?

Get tested for Coeliac disease