The Gut Health Thread

A good shit always sorts things out.

Don’t know if I ever followed this up…it was H pylori…never again a problem once I got the lazropole…just get the lazropole into ye lads

[quote=“gilgamboa, post:702, topic:25515, full:true”]

I had that, nearly killed me when the ulcer burst through internal bleeding, had been going on for 3 days, I thought it was the scutters, was 3 full months before I was right

I think you have the hots for that pharmacist.

I had to do 3 rounds of the triple therapy and have been on all the follow up medication… I’ll always have episodes here and there. It’s common for a lot of people to still have flare ups… You’re one of the lucky ones.

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Seems like it

You make your own luck you soft cunt.


I don’t take anything now… But the likes of Christmas or all Ireland celebrations :smiley:… Can set me off. I can generally do as i like but it’s when you have a few days on the trot eating shite that triggers it… That or an extremely rich desert so i just avoid. It’s generally just a few hours now tho and it passes as opposed to days when the h pylori was ruling the roost

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I’d be crippled with it.

I’d be grand for 6 or 8 weeks but then twud flare up.

Have been ok since my post above and haven’t made any changes to lifestyle :man_shrugging:

Crippled was my experience too… Anyway my man, get on the aflorex and mastic gum.

It’s a mad coincidence that the lad with all the dieting and gut health advice has so many gut health problems.

And he making a fortune for big pharma between himself and trying to get lads on here hooked on gut buster drugs.

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I reckon it must be something in the water down there. I’ve never heard of such a plaster of ailments

I wouldn’t call 1 bacterial infection ‘many’ … In fact I’m pretty sure 1 isn’t many at all. I’m almost certain 1 = 1.

@backinatracksuit this popped up in my suggested videos… Ive listened to it before but it’s very interesting. She talks about more than fasting, she talks about chemicals, sugar and in the middle she touches on wimmins health - use the time stamps.


Doing a 24 hour fast tomorrow. Mainly due to convincing a few colleagues of how savage last weekends experience was. Although I reckon with all the Christmas fodder going around the office there will be a few of them caving early.


Does the 24 hours include when you are asleep

I won’t count it anyway. Started at 10pm last night as I’d a bowl of protein oats after the dinner at 9ish. Won’t eat until 10 or 11am tomorrow morning so that’s 36 or 37 or hours technically.

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Thats proper that is