The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Unfortunately has become a bit of a tourist attraction in itself in recent weeks. And it isn’t easy find. Neighbours (Fosters) have put their house up for sale

I hear Ian Bailey is house hunting and would know that area well.

He is house hunting. But further up the Coast. He won’t stray from West Cork or too far from the sea.

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Or the dole office


A young, pretty, blonde mother was viciously assaulted and died at the scene.

The Post Mortem reported approx 50 wounds.

There were no eye witnesses and, apparently, no motive.

It generated worldwide interest and speculation was rife, especially in the local area.

A man was arrested on the word of a somewhat dubious eye witness. He was a local oddball with some rather strange interests.

He claimed an alibi but was forced to change it when obvious issues with conflicting times arose. This revision was regarded as proof of his mendacity and formed a pillar of the police case against him .

He was further accused of being in possession of information about the attack, that only the killer could know.

He claimed that he did not know the victim and had never met her.

No evidence could be found to link him to her.

His arrest was leaked to the press an a scrum of reporters awaited his arrival at the police station.

Speculation amongst the population ran riot, fuelled by the media. In the court of public opinion he was immediately found guilty.

The police sought no other suspects but concentrated on finding whatever evidence they could, tenuous or otherwise, to fit their belief that he was the perpetrator.

He was abused on the street. His home was attacked.

A sting operation was contrived by the police in a vain attempt to trick him into saying something incriminating.

The case, as presented by the police was unceremoniously rubbished and he was freed.

The press and the public however, driven by the refusal of the police to accept his innocence, continued to villify the man, making his and his family’s life a misery for many years.

The man was and is totally innocent of the crime.


Hi Ian, welcome to TFK.


Cork weirdos and Internet meet. Dont trust people you meet on the Internet

The only thing that could happen to make our forum even more strange might have just happened.

If your correct and he is OIUTF, it could be box office.


Were one of his interests you mentioned battering the shit out of women and pulling clumps of hair out of their scalp?

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More than one excuse is a lie

No, just a bit of occult stuff etc.


But he did batter the shit out of his partner and pulled clumps of hair out of her head leaving her with brutal facial injuries and bald patches in her scalp, didn’t he?

Who is guilty of it then in your opinion?

The guilty man was Robert Napper.

The case was that of the murder of Rachel Nikell.

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You see Ian, this is the type of weird stuff that doesn’t help you to be honest.

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You’ll have to elaborate on that one now that the dust has settled in Wembley.
