The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Probably a Brexiteer as well

Sort of lad who’d vote for Mark Francois

Dunno. I haven’t watched it bar ten mins as I want to watch it properly. The gardai were an utter shambles, and harbison a disgrace really which wasn’t unheard of form. I would read little into the programme though, it’s a commercial presentation. That the investigation was shambolic and corrupted is neither here nor there in his guilt or innocence.
He’s a reasonable suspect is all you can say.
He is a creepy English fucker, of that there’s no doubt.

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There was a very good and lengthy piece on Ian Bailey and the whole investigation in Phoenix about 4/5 years ago. Must dig it out and have a read of it again.

I also think hes too fucking thick to carry out the perfect murder. That being said there was such an amount of fuck ups by the guards that they inadvertently cleared him by trying to frame him

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from the DPP

*“No evidence linking him to the crime, including a chronic lack of forensic evidence against the Englishman.”

That the gardai didn’t find it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there either, nor that it was “the perfect murder”. Just an omnishambles, and that poor lady was battered to death with a brick, and her body left to the elements for hours and hours.

they found hair in her hand and DNA under her fingertips, none of which was baileys

Also no fingerprints of Bailey’s but fingerprints of an unknown person who they didn’t bother chasing up.


also losing the bloodsplattered 5 bar gate


A brutal death in black and white (

“Newspapers reported that the dead woman had organic matter from her assailant under her fingernails and a clump of hair in her hand. The then State pathologist, Dr John Harbison, recorded: “I took scrapings from the fingernails of both hands and placed them in plastic bags . . . A number of hairs, almost a dozen, were adherent to and even wound around fingers of the right hand. Because of dried blood these were removed with difficulty and some of them parted. I found one long and one very short hair adherent to the back of the left hand.” Bailey gave gardaí a sample of his DNA in January 1997.”

Why do you edit posts of mine? Post the full post.

Very right wing.

You slate a documentary you’ve not seen because you’ve heard the “general feel”.

Open that fascist mind of yours.

do you really want sid to open his mind? look what happened the last time he did

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Where can I watch this doc without having to actually look for it @Copper_pipe

You’re twisting things to suit your narrative. Harbison was a bodge job. “Newspaper reports” :roll_eyes:

those nuisance facts eh?

mostly because the body lay uncovered overnight. are you dusputing that hair and DNA was found?

the clue is in thw word newspaper. youre really reaching here flatty

lets flip it around. what evidence is there against ian bailey?

Fair point.

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I love the way you have this thing where you consistently object to the use of the word fascist and then immediately turn around and unironically call others fascists. :grinning: