Documentaries worth watching

Pumping iron.
You don’t know Bo.

For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet (myself included), League of Denial - The NFL’s Concussion Crisis

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Interesting documentary on the football team Bobby Sands played on as a youth.

Might have been discussed elsewhere but there was a very good show on rte last night called feile dreams. About a bunch of mostly black kids from south London who came and won what looked like div 2 or 3 of the all Ireland feile. Beat teams from Fermanagh, Westmeath and Clare anyway. A great story if a little bit short. The coaches were fairly full on for u14 level though. Always thought the athleticism of west Africans is perfectly suited to Gaelic football surprised not to see more of them make the breakthrough at minor level thus far.

Thanks Tabby, watched it on player after recommendation and it was great viewing, maybe more so cos I lived a few miles away during the mid 90’s.
Your spot on, RTE can drag an hour from Dermot Bannon or those two cunts from that hotel thing but yet a really interesting story and youth culture and they squeeze it into 30 mins and actually the last few mins of the semi and final seemed as if they were just shoved into final edit which was a total shame.

Christ when RTE get something right why do they balls it up.

JFK by Oliver Stone
Behind Enemy lines starring Owen Wilson

I watched a few 30 for 30 docuemtaries over the Christmas period:

From Elway to Marino
Pony Express
No Crossover - the trial of Allen Iverson
The Fab Five
You don’t know Bo
June 17, 1994

The June 17, 1994 one was probably the bets of them. Very well made, as it was before my time I was unaware that OJ was suicidal and was chased down the freeway by the LAPD. It really was a harrowing story. I would recommend You Don’t know Bo and the Allen Iverson one as well. Pony Express was good but a bit long winded

The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer


[quote=“chewy louie, post: 881452, member: 1137”]I watched a few 30 for 30 docuemtaries over the Christmas period:

From Elway to Marino
Pony Express
No Crossover - the trial of Allen Iverson
The Fab Five
You don’t know Bo
June 17, 1994

The June 17, 1994 one was probably the bets of them. Very well made, as it was before my time I was unaware that OJ was suicidal and was chased down the freeway by the LAPD. It really was a harrowing story. I would recommend You Don’t know Bo and the Allen Iverson one as well. Pony Express was good but a bit long winded[/quote]

Did ya watch the feile dreams thing I was on about earlier chewy? Amazing story (in GAA terms). Would any other clubs etc over there be expanding the game into non Irish people?

I trained an underage side over here in 2012 and would never do it again. Absolute hardship and for the most part a waste of time. The club I am involved with put a huge emphasis on underage of “homegrown” players for the last decade and have a number of schools invloved. A lot of the players would be third or four generation or have no links to Ireland and are very interetsed in it but it is a joke the way it is ran by the county board and the Birmingham clubs who will not travel outside Birmingham for matches. We managed to get six games all year aside from a couple of Blitzs and the All Britain competition. Of the six games three of them the opposition had a dozen players or less and weren’t worth a fuck to us.

We won a county semi final in July yet the final was not played until mid October due to the county board and politics at senior level between the two clubs and we could only muster the bare 15 for it as a good number of lads on the frings were back playing soccer and rugby which to their credit are very well organised over here. We had a young Polish goalkeeper who was excellent but couldn’t come as he “was going clothes shopping” that day.

Six of that under 16 team who were overage this year played at Adult level for us this year and more than held their own, two of them were excellent for 17 year olds playing senior football which was great to see, while we have another 4 to come from this years crop who should be able to step up for 2014 and will stick with it.

Maybe it is easier in London where you have far more teams closer together but I wouldn’t be interested in getting involved with the underage over here due to the set up. The club were excellent and the young lads very eager but just extremely frustrating.

Just spent €440 on a camera to make a documentary with. One of my big ambitions. If it’s shit, at least I fucking tried.

I have 4 or 5 ideas so far but if anyone has any others I’d love to hear them. Hell if you’re interesting enough I’ll gladly travel down and shoot (in the video sense) you.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 890158, member: 129”]Just spent €440 on a camera to make a documentary with. One of my big ambitions. If it’s shit, at least I fucking tried.

I have 4 or 5 ideas so far but if anyone has any others I’d love to hear them. Hell if you’re interesting enough I’ll gladly travel down and shoot (in the video sense) you.[/quote]
Callhop is screaming out for the documentary treatment.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 890158, member: 129”]Just spent €440 on a camera to make a documentary with. One of my big ambitions. If it’s shit, at least I fucking tried.

I have 4 or 5 ideas so far but if anyone has any others I’d love to hear them. Hell if you’re interesting enough I’ll gladly travel down and shoot (in the video sense) you.[/quote]

Thinly veiled “im going to put a video of me batin the back off the missus on the net”

Our esteemed public servant makes another poor quip,

Interestingly, i was chatting to a lad in GNIB over the weekend and hes given me details of why youre in oz. I wont divulge them at this time as it would destroy the fingal contingent to know what you got up to but your card is marked

TASE told me about this. He said she said she was 18 an I believe him.

Grade 1 public servant with a hotline to the branch,

Bureau not branch you ill educated deviant

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 890158, member: 129”]Just spent €440 on a camera to make a documentary with. One of my big ambitions. If it’s shit, at least I fucking tried.

I have 4 or 5 ideas so far but if anyone has any others I’d love to hear them. Hell if you’re interesting enough I’ll gladly travel down and shoot (in the video sense) you.[/quote]
I’d love to see a documentary made on the Battle of Mount Street Bridge.

I’d also like to see one detailing the close connections between the Crown Forces and the IRFU.

And this is a super little documentary made about my beloved Barrack St which shows what can be done with a tiny budget.

Whoever would have guessed that the royalist fooley would be a rat to the law.