The Insurance Thread

Can you send me details? PM if you want.

Are you sure you actually need it?

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Pretty sure alright. We’ve never been sued so maybe not but wed be fucked if someone did sue and we didnt have it. …

I had to get it years and years back. Went with brokers called JC Collins up in Dublin, as there were a few other bits I needed and they wrapped it all up in one package. Were decent to deal with from what I recall

I know you’re some kind of a travelling sales man. So once you go onsite you should be covered by onsite insurance. They have to have it.

It’s only if you are bringing people onto your own site that you need it. I’m no expert on this by the way, but that’s the way it was explained to me by an expert.

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A ha. It may be possible that I’m not actually a travelling salesman… we do need public liability insurance!


They’re all at it be it house home public liability, pet insurance etc etc, insurance companies do what they want, pearse Doherty tried his best to rein them in but the government don’t really have any appetite for change the whures

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I can’t have been the only one to read that with a twinge is sadness.

It’s like finding out santa isn’t real

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In case anyone gets their hand stuck in the vending machines?

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Hurts their back loading the Berlingo

When @Juhniallio mentioned something about needing a sound engineer recently for some work he was doing, I was confused as to what transferable skills there were from the profession to loading Double Deckers into a machine :cry:

next thing hell be telling us is that he never went nightswimming with @glasagusban


Do you need it?

If you go onsite you’re covered by their insurance.

If you go into a private house they’re running the risk that you don’t claim off them.

It’s only if you were doing an external wall by a public road or walkway that you’d need to be careful. If somebody tripped over your paint tin, you’d be liable.

Tough break for the ankle

If there’s mud on the tights, you must pay out.

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Scamming bastards

Great that the judge can see through the bullshit. More of it needed

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This isn’t the first time this fella has had his name in the paper

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God almighty