The Insurance Thread

@Corksfinedtboy That McDonagh family are another level of scum.
Theyve been causing serious problems around the county for 20 years. They were moved to Abbeyfeale at one stage, but I think the RA ran them out of there.


Nice sounding shower alright, good for the Feale men

Similarly one summer about 10/11 years back a load from England arrived, didn’t stay long (Glenbeigh)
Slurry tanker sprayed the whures caravans, manned on either side of the village with men holding shotguns, sorted, ps and local garda was advised to be absent, he was

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No wonder the country is fucked

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You’d be surprised how many people are surprised at being sued when a kid gets injured on their trampoline.

Mine field altogether. Dont buy one and let your kids have a go on the neighbours

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It’s hard to contemplate how low our country has become

Yet here we are. Legal fees need to be addressed. Its a gravy train

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Gravy train is spot on, wtf has happened to us?
Fuck me I’ve broke collar bones, arm fingers, doc wants me on the sick, holding out so far,pain killers keep me going- like all my family past and present wouldn’t dream of claiming off someone I worked for etc

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Comes down to personal responsibility. Company’s have responsibility to ensure produres and correct equipment is available if they don’t they’re liable. If you choose to ignore these things its your fault. You see it whole time people ignoring safety processes. That’s line I draw there. If your on pain killers you shouldn’t be doing work you wouldn’t do with alcohol.

Kids get hurt playing, often learn lessons from it. I don’t see where the negligence is from the article. Common sense is needed

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Common sense is gone, ref my own dilemma it’s from years of mullicking, ladders etc, and most of my work is private houses, wouldn’t dream of claiming off anyone’s house insurance, not on, if u fall off a ladder its your own baby no one’s else’s

20k for a broken big toe

Didn’t some lady bump her knee on a table leg and get 60k?
The “not properly trained to dry a glass” one was the best.
Trouble is, the legal profession earn so much money in Ireland that 20k isnt that much.

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Something fucked up about a society where an accident is viewed as a chance for a windfall.


It really damages society when everyone seems to be on the take.

Limit soft tissue damage awards to 1000 euro and solicitors will all of a sudden lose interest

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Anything that has no lasting effects should be medical expenses only to fix it. Which is what damages are supposed to be.

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