The Insurance Thread

That’ll cost em a few bucks

Noel might dump the bootcuts and buy himself a decent pair of jeans now

A great start to superbowl weekend for @Lazarus

I’d say they’ve a fair chunk of it reinsured

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What a ridiculous country we’ve become a p.c. Snowflake shite hole

Post reported

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No you’re not reading that wrong - €3.2m for someone who was crossing a dual carriageway rather than using the pedestrian footbridge. Contributory negligence clearly means very little.

The grammatical errors in that ‘article’ gave me a headache. I might sue them.

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Despicable Cunt of a mother


Mother and lawyer.

Whoa… Whoa… Whoa…

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A three-year-old girl who became anxious about Santa Claus not being able to come to her home after she had been involved in a car accident has been given a settlement of €25,000 for psychiatric injuries at the circuit civil court.

Judge James McCourt approved the settlement offer to Missy Elliott, who is now six, by the insurers of driver, Denis Osula who crashed into the back of the Elliott family car in Glasnevin in Dublin three years ago.

The court heard she hadn’t suffered any physical injuries.

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Missy Elliot. Seriously. Fucking parents.


Good lord


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Fucking judges in this country are a joke.