The Joe McDonagh Cup incorporating Christy Ring, Nicky Rackard and whoever else

TG4 live streaming the action today in Croke Park

Chirsty Ring final just started

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Lovely score thereā€¦ With the lack of crowd you can hear the players and management f-ing and blindingā€¦ GAA Micā€™d up.


And a red card???

Two yellows for the London man? Seemed harsh?

1-07 to 0-5 to Kikdare.

London going for goals ā€¦ Take your point son.

Kildare tack on two quick scores before HTā€¦
1-08 to 0-6.

James Burke is a super hurler. .Top Top hurler even

Kildare emptying the bench.

They bring on the sub keeper in injury time and they up 15 pointsā€¦

Nearly died a few months ago with viral meningitis. Some going to be back so soon.

Good interview by Shane Stapleton with him during the week.

A real joke that Kildare are not automatically promoted to the Joe McDonagh. They have to play Antrim next week.


Theyā€™ll be drinking til Tuesday

How about Meath?

Whatever about a playoff, which is wrong, having to play em next week after presumably being on the lash for three days is seriously bad form

Even taking beer out of it. A week after an Ireland final. How would you get them up again for it.

Awful poor reflection on the gaa. Protecting stronger counties again

Ah they are just cunts to the lower counties, not even about protecting the likes of Antrim, they just couldnā€™t give a fuck about them. The GAA should insist those three finals today are televised as part of the deal when itā€™s signed. The least those lads deserve is a bit of recognition for themselves.


Warwickshire going well here. Up 0-09 to 0-03 after 15 mins

Quaid had those boys well drilled. They were struggling for players when he went up. Heā€™s a super job done