The Kyle wrecks your head thread

He canā€™t apologise now can he if he is saying he didnā€™t do it ā€¦that will count against him if he is found guilty ā€¦unlikely as that may be



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I think he was trying to get his foot under him to lift him

It would be harsh alright but if youā€™re kicking someoneā€™s head in whilst they lay helpless on the ground then you canā€™t really be sure how lethal that could be. He may have been intoxicated but he could have done serious damage. A lad like Kyle Hayes might not realise his own strength.


Thatā€™s good, they should use that.

Iā€™d be in the same boat. Never in a scrap. Think it was the last year of the Callan Alive festival and I was in Bobbys and the place was heaving. There was a chap I would have played hurling with all the way up and he had beef with me. Was in my face calling me out. I talked him down. I asked him did he want to be the talk of the town in the morning and the shame it would bring our families. Worked a treat thank God, he would have taken me.


Decent report here from today.


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Pretty sure another lad who recently pleaded guilty in this case got a month in jail.

Kyle is going to do time behind bars, just a matter of how long.

cc @Kyle

He pleaded guilty and got an hour in jail.

Did he take the pocket for the hour?

Closing statements tomorrow I read.

Fair play. I was thinking only recently of a road rage type incident, and what I should have done etc, and then thought about myself as a 46 year old rolling around on the road with a fella. Whatā€™s the bloody point in shaming myself like that. A scobe will scobe no matter what.


Are they going for the old switcharoo here,it wasnā€™t me it was my brother?


Thatā€™s pretty much what I thought when a poster here offered to meet me for a scrap,
A 49 year old teacher :grinning:

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Itā€™s no joke kicking someone on the ground tbf. One badly place blow to the back of the head can be devastating.

Look at that poor boxer Colon and how he is living now after a blow to back of head.

The brother who could have been better but fond of the drink?

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Agreed. Kicking someone on the ground is an absolute ā€˜no noā€™.

A kick in the head like that could be lethal. Heā€™s very lucky that the injuries werenā€™t far worse.