The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Great to see the justice system back at its best after that awful Pat Ryan blip.


Thereā€™s a 92% chance of getting a prison sentence for one count of violent disorder in the Republic, unless youā€™re an important IC cog, in which case itā€™s pretty much zero Iā€™d say.

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I havenā€™t quite got over dermo yet. It bothers me still.

1 Hayes free, two to go

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Iā€™d say thereā€™s a less than 1% chance of actually serving anytime for it

69% got an immediate prison sentence.

That lady wouldnā€™t let her barrister plead mental illness so once she pleaded guilty there could only be one outcome

How many actually spent longer than a few hours inside?

Where is that statistic from?

Violent disorder is pretty much a public order offence and will likely result in much more than a fine, let alone a suspended custodial sentence. The assault charge was by far the more serious one.

As an aside, it has now been made much more difficult for the complainant to pursue a civil case for damages as a conviction for assault against his person has not been secured.

Informative rating. Iā€™d have thought there might be a Res ipsa loquitur. I didnā€™t realize that. One of those cases you wake up thinking about at 5am.,23%2525%2520receiving%2520a%2520suspended%2520sentence.&ved=2ahUKEwjCsaqK2O6CAxWAXEEAHQXFBFgQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0u2txhcYK0eq-2UfCjfA0f

Thatā€™s a different country mate

Thatā€™s from a different jurisdiction FFS.

Tommy the Tan has himself in an awful spin here

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Heā€™ll be a savage loss for the Waterford Crystal, but weā€™ll plough on.

Not guilty of the most serious charge. Fair play to the brave members of the jury who didnā€™t buckle in the face of mass media hysteria.


Hopefully Kyle will tog out for us in the Darts tonight,were badly missing him.

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Its in the best interests of public safety that Kyleā€™s off season is as short as possible.

Is he good at the darts? The long arms would have him half way to the board I suppose

Wouldnā€™t be as good as me but heā€™s alright,will spring him off the bench

Poor oul balls was getting sweaty there.