The Kyle wrecks your head thread

We lost a quarter final on Monday night. Basically my fault :smiling_face_with_tear:

Double trouble.


Anyone who isnā€™t running to the bookies at this very moment to bet the house on Hayes to be HOTY '24 is a complete imbecile.


Your heart would go out to the prosecution.



Quentin Hunt :rofl:

Youā€™ve some show of yourself made ffs

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Rhyming slang, I reckon.

Calm down pal. Itā€™s not that bad.
Ease up on the roids.

It could have been like Prison Break if the two Hayes brothers had gone down. The brother finding a way to set Kyle free for the first round of the Munster Round Robin.

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Tell me about it,FFS I lost my singles 2 weeks ago despite being 200 points ahead in the last leg

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Sport Goal GIF by Bold Studios

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Got roped in play a doubles comp tonight. Blind draw. Turkeys and hams up for grabs :laughing:

Weā€™re doing one of them in Jackā€™s over Xmas,the one last year was savage craic

Weā€™re Limerick, we do what we wantā€¦

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@thelimericks are in for a big surprise in January

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How big?

Poor Kyle wonā€™t be able to attend if he has to keep to a curfew while on bail?

Heā€™ll hardly get any sentence for his thing will be? A Garda friend was saying violent disorder carries a longer sentence than assault (max 10 years v max 5 years) but that seemed strange to me. Smell of a suspended sentence off this

I wouldnā€™t be looking past it anyway. Two counts of violent disorder is still a serious conviction


The Limericks celebrating a criminal conviction as some kind of win. Hopefully heā€™ll know who he is in future.


Heā€™ll hardly be going to Oz now so.