The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Remember the case below in Dingle when the Club Chairman gave the character reference? There was holy war.

Mickey Hartes legacy is tarnished too because of what he did.

No good can ever come from these character references.

This was a miscalculation from Kiely thatā€™s backfired spectacularly. The Sunday Papers are going to go to town on it and i expect the story to run and run.

Of course the Limerickā€™s are only looking at the tree and not the woods so it will fly over their heads.


Remember the uproar (and rightly so) when Rory Best turned up in court to support the alleged rapists?


John did what he was told to do.

Oh sweet jesus :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hear Kiely has Paddy Jackson and Mason Greenwood lined up to give motivational talks to the Limerick team ahead of the championship.

Have they used broken pint glasses to smash lads?

Maybe Kiely could get this fella in to give a motivational talk? The perpetrator not the victim, obviously.

Will u provide the glass?

He could have killed him.

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A few of the more seasoned Limericks really keeping the heads down.

Limerick have a load of paper cups.

Good old Ireland, he might get away with it

Fixed that for you

Theyā€™re watching Angelas Ashes

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Why did Kyle plead not guilty but tell Kiely he was guilty and so sorry?

Gone to bed, sulky races on the main roads tomorrow


That wouldnā€™t be John Oā€™Sullivanā€™s style at all, and heā€™s long past the stage where heā€™d be looking for column inches. Himself and McInerney for the defence are weekly sparring partners in the Circuit

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And you think if Kyler walks into court the next with a ball of cash for the victim that it wonā€™t have come from JP?

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And? How is that different to Gleason?