The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Change county board to neighbor and brother of a current td and youā€™d be spot on


Sure that would be the truth.

The Limericks adore the liar

All the one. Either way he was bailed out

All the one :joy:

Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF

Mike babbling along with makey uppy facts :joy:

Oā€™Sullivan is a Kerryman. Heā€™s at that gig a long time. Heā€™s the longest serving county prosecutor in the country.

Harry on the weed again :rofl:

A real your tramp is as bad as our tramp theme here tonight

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Are you going to apologise for your vile racism?

Nasty stuff

Truth hurts, get over it

which truth is this? Lads around here seem to not want to see the truth?

It isnā€™t. Thatā€™s my point

Yes I would certainly be one.

All joking aside young lads throwing slaps is hardly a new thing. I have a scar on my chin and a crooked nose from a cunt kicking me in the head one night.

But there was two of us at it. Thatā€™s the game

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Thereā€™s a lot of ā€œlook over thereā€ going on in this thread. Not a single Limerick poster has condemned the behaviour of Hayes from what I can see. Like the likes of Leahy, hopefully the incident was a turning point for Hayes.

Some would argue that this case may not have even made it for court only for it being an inter county star. Iā€™d imagine it was the proximity of the guards to the events on the night that probably escalated really.

What the other examples that have been brought up show is that inter-county GAA players get away with a hell of a lot in this country. Iā€™ve said it before but the GAA is the closest thing we have to a Mafia here.

For what itā€™s worth, he will get a suspended sentence.


@iron_mike thereā€™d be no love for Darren Gleeson in Tipp. From what I recall, he was brought back in as goalkeeper after his court case in 2017 for the semi final and there was some bad blood towards him and the management for picking him (although I think I recall him having a good game). It was actually his last game for Tipp.

He kicked the gambling after it, and the Kellys made the debts go away, but I could never see him involved in a Tipp Management set-up no matter how well he does with Antrim (I met a Belfast fella up the mountains one day whose son is in the Antrim panel and theyā€™re mad about Gleeson).

Iā€™m a forgiving man but I wouldnā€™t have him near Tipp

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Sure the lads who want Kyle jailed because heā€™s a good hurler are as bad

He should be sentenced appropriately for being found guilty.

His hurling ability doesnā€™t come into it.


I would happily condemn it. Shit behaviour.

But he was a kid at at the time he still is really. Iā€™d be slow to stand over anything I did 5 years ago. Never mind as a pup.

Let him without sin etc.

I would think heā€™s being held to higher standards because of who he is, rather than getting benefit from it