The Kyle wrecks your head thread

He hasn’t been sentenced yet. He was found not guilty of assault.

What exactly do you think he should serve?

I known Kyle since he’s about 5 years old. He’s a grand lad. This was a huge melee on the street. He’s been singled out because he’s a hurler and that’s the long and short of it.


Fair play. We’ve all done stupid things but most of us haven’t done criminal things! I haven’t punched anyone since I was 12, nearly 30 years ago. And that was one of my best friends!

Maybe lads aren’t growing up as quick anymore. I see it with 21/22 year olds, living at home, still acting like kids when they’re adults.

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I think there’s a fair bit of truth in that in fairness.

Nope that’s the long and short of it. Everyone knows there’s back round music here. He’s been stitched up because he’s a Limerick hurler. That’s it.

Kyles a fine fella. He often gets dogs abuse out on nights out and never a bother out of him.

The whole thing is an absolute joke.

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He does, yeah🙄
Poor Kyle.
Any sympathy at all for your fellow countryman who had his face kicked in, or is he not good enough at hitting a ball with a stick for your entertainment to warrant any consideration?


You’re a busy cunt over in Manchester worrying about a scuffle taking place in Limerick four years ago.

Whereas you’re in some arse end of Limerick spending most of your time worrying about a foreign franchise in a leaky broken down stadium in Manchester.
Go figure.


This should be good

You’ve been waxing lyrical about Man City’s owners who are involved in stoning people to death because they are gay. Who exactly do you think you are to be lecturing anybody about anything?

Drag Race Lol GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

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Is Kiely a bit simple?

30 hours per week of training. So over 4 hours per day?

A slip of the tongue or a revelation into the sinister under the table payments from the Big House that pervade Limerick hurling?

Who can possibly train for 30 hours per week and have a real job?

‘‘Limited socialisation’’ - sounds like an XL Bullie


Bizarre comments from the judge too. Guessing that a fella training so much a week doesn’t know how to drink properly.

If one of the barristers came up with it, he’d accuse them of leading the witness

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The verdict is in :man_shrugging:t2:

They only one he can lead is himself. Also there’s a long and distinguished tradition of IC players not being able to manage themselves when they’re let at the drink post-season.


I know it’s in - that’s why I said if. Which is why I find all these post case comments and questions bizarre.

Personally I think he should get the max punishment without jail, suspended sentence, loads of community service, fine etc.
But something tells me, there’s going to be an example made here and he will get a bit of jail time

Ha! Kiely completely discredited in two questions. I’d say he was seething.

The “do you know I am” screams sound guy.

Compare the amount of media coverage Conor McGregor’s misdemeanour in a Dublin pub in 2019 received with that of Kyle Hayes faux pas and its black and white. Hayes is definitely being scrutinised far more. Each day he attended court, RTE have had an extensive report. McGregor, despite a much higher profile, never received that type of scrutiny.