The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Hayes must be incredibly strong mentally to put in the performances he has, with all this hanging over him.


Yeah thats the real problem here mate, jesus wept.
Kiely is the devil

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Like Lee Bowyer in another code?

Easy when he knew was innocent and every Tom dick and Harry knew he was innocent.

Are we suggesting that anyone found not guilty in a court of law is now guilty? Or just Kyle?

Limerick hurling is corrupt to the core.

Ah lads. Is Sid gone far right now

This place never fails to surprise


He was only 19 and has matured.

Was it Jason Gillane who glassed the lad in the eye in a Galway pub?

Kiely has dug a massive hole for himself.

He has no credibility to be disciplining lads in school now.

I’m not suggesting anything. Just wondering about the details and truth of some guy getting kicked in the head while he lay on the ground. What’s the truth of the incident?


You should be listening to John kiely and Jim Bolger. These men know the truth.

You often waxed lyrical John kiely as a teacher. I remember one post in particular when he was telling early doors to find something you’re interested in. It stuck with me.

Schools today are pastoral redemptive places

He could bring a lad into the office and point to Hayes in a van outside to drive better behaviour fairly lively.

I’m mortified for him.

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John Kiely approves of cocaine and steroid fuelled headbangers kicking random lads in the head outside pubs, as long as they’re good at hurling.

He should be struck off as a teacher.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

19 or 21, does it really matter? A young lad with a hero status got drunk, made a bad decision, which I’m sure he regrets. Lads are looking at this from the lens of an old man and have forgotten what life is like at that age. Is he likely to reoffend? No. Some community service along the lines of visiting schools and speaking about the danger of excess drink would be more appropriate imho. I also think lads are extremely harsh on Kiely. There is a bond there. Id say he offered to give a character reference rather than was asked.


An incredible ability to clear his mind of all thoughts and pondering. I wonder is it down to Currid?

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I always thought that was down to Bowyer being thick as a ditch.

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