The Kyle wrecks your head thread

2023 Co-Op Superstores Munster Hurling League ā€“ Limerick 0-25 Kerry 0-9 - Munster GAA.

Simon was dropped off the panel after this game in 2023.

Iā€™d say the heart rate went through the roof as he furiously googled ā€˜Liam Sheedy - effusive - Limerickā€™.

@peddlerscross will have a right chuckle when he sees this


Must be like looking in a mirror for you

I dont even have to try anymore.


Youā€™re taking all this very personally arenā€™t you? Are you related to Kyle Hayes by any chance?

Sorry, Kyle The Criminal Hayes.

@FatChops could end all this with a single sentence

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Is he a judge?

This thread has it all in terms of what you want from a a forum that 30 lads use, its fascinating to watch


Hopefully Paddy accepts the rule of law whatever Judge Sheehan adjudicates on this. Youā€™d worry about the reaction of the Limericks if he does get jail time though.

Hand bags? This innocent chap has had his life ruined.

Iā€™ve always felt that prison should be for proper criminals or repeat offenders, I wouldnā€™t look for or expect a custodial sentence in this case

Itā€™s charming how loyal the Limerick posters on TFK are, is loyal the right word, I dunno?
Somebody else referenced the famous old Cork joke about finding the hurler in bed with your missus and sneaking downstairs to make him a cup of tea, I thought it was a gag but now Iā€™m not sure, I do t remember the days of Ringy or three in a rows or anything like that :man_shrugging:

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I find you a very strange character. So as an analogy, if someone savagely assaulted one of your kids, alrering their life much for the worse but it was a one off, youā€™d be grand with a slap on the wrist, give a few talks to the local community centre and weā€™ll all move on?


Iā€™d agree. If I was the presiding judge myself I wouldnā€™t give Kyle prison but he was a right pup to contest it and not plead. Kiely was wrong about him accepting responsibility and he was rightly pulled up on that in court yesterday.

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And if it was your kid doing the digs, youā€™d pack him off to prison yourself you would?

Iā€™d say he would hope to raise him better


Iā€™d have to accept heā€™s being punished for badly hurting someone.


And if it happened?

Similar to Enriqueā€™s reply. I would have to accept that he should be punished.

This is the question obviously

If it was my child Iā€™d probably want to take justice into my own hands, but society canā€™t operate Ona system where the victims decide the justice :man_shrugging:

Well what about instead of you dishing out vigilante style punishment justice the violent criminal goes to jail?