The Kyle wrecks your head thread

So mistaken they ran after him.

Odd that innocent Kyle ran in the first place.

I wouldn’t be one for running from Gardai myself but maybe it’s a Limerick thing?


He’ll get Bressie to ghost write his book.

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It’s a bit confusing. So some fella (not Kyle Hayes) kicked the guy on the ground in the head but two Gardai thought it was Kyle Hayes and then they chased after him but he sprinted away only to give himself up later? Any other color on it?

The fella who kicked the lad on the ground coincidentally looked exactly like Kyle Hayes and his name is also Kyle Hayes. But it’s a completely different fella.

Read what the judge said.

Bulb is the word you’re looking for.

I don’t think it’s worth a prison sentence, prison is a very serious punishment
There’s lads get involved and n scraps up and down the country every weekend, when I was a young lad I got involved in a few, I never kicked anybody on the ground as far as I remember but I think it’s the kind of thing you’d get a warning for

Neither did Kyle as confirmed by a jury of his peers

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Take a breath chief. :joy:

It seems we can disregard every not guilty verdict ever given in a court of law now.

OK, again., I haven’t followed this
I thought that was the case :man_shrugging:

His hoppers fell off ( probably from booting hard ) and a Garda caught him apparently.

Consider yourself now as better informed

You are welcome

Great question

Kyle Hayes was found guilty of a criminal act which carries a penalty of up to 10 years imprisonment.

Lock him up!

[quote=“carryharry, post:1719, topic:26715, full:true”]

I’m fairly sure Sid refused to accept the Johnny Depp Amber heard trial verdict as he had decided the case before any evidence was heard.

A cornerstone of any democracy is to accept the decisions of the courts.

Not accepting court decisions is far right fascist/marxisf agitator behavior.


Jesus. To think of all the progress you made with the gifs and memes


I thoroughly enjoyed Victoria Mary Clarke calling out the wife beater Johnny Depp during her eulogy at Shane McGowan’s funeral and I look forward to Joanne Cantwell calling out Kyle Hayes on his criminal activity if he’s interviewed post-match during this year’s Munster hurling championship.

Well done on editing your post 8 minutes later so you could go back and write “marxisf”.

He’s in a pit of shame today