The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Nor the Paddy Jackson result


Paddy Jackson never played in Ireland or for Ireland again. I accept that result.

Mods need to step in here and take the chalice of torture away from the limerick posters lips.


Eddie Halvey. Bump.

This wasnā€™t really a typical ā€˜scrapā€™ though was it?

It was an unprovoked attack inside and outside the nightclub. Kyle Hayes warned this guy for talking to a woman he knew, threatening physical assault. He not only punched this man after the threat, inside the nightclub, a guy who wasnā€™t looking for any fight, he then savagely beat him up outside the nightclub, with one of his associates (not Kyle Hayes himself, although two gardai did say it was him) then kicking this man in the head as he lay on the ground.

Someone can post up the victims face again maybe.

Doesnā€™t sound like an average ā€˜scrapā€™?

That certainly seems to be the prevailing attitude on the the night in question anyway.

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Boys will be boys

He got a bad beating alright, I still donā€™t think anybody needs to go to prison for a first offence,
Itā€™s mad because thereā€™s fights on every small, big town and city in Ireland every weekend, people get fucked up, but you canā€™t be throwing everybody into jail,
Give them a day in court, give em a chance, if they fuck up again well think about a custodial sentence.
Another lad will throw one punch and a lad will rack his skull off a kerb and die, and itā€™s manslaughter
Young lads do stoopid things,

Iā€™d agree in the sense that yes, there are often fights between young lads but generally itā€™s two parties willingly fighting each other and someone comes out the worse for it, maybe a black eye or a bust lip. Does someone deserve to go to jail as a first offence in those circumstances. I think a reasonable person would say likely no.

However this case is a lot different. I donā€™t think it needs to be detailed again, Kyle Hayes brutally attacking this man inside and outside the nightclub to illustrate the difference.

Someone mentioned 10 years as the upper limit of his convictions.

Savage or brutally assaulted him?


Kicking on the ground has few excuses imo.

Same with a king hit.

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Poor aul Mike seething so bad heā€™s having difficulties postingā€¦

Letā€™s hope the person that did it is found and tried for it.

Mouse in houseā€¦.

Thereā€™s no excuse

From reading the posts on this thread today, an awful lot of posters seem to have lived very sheltered lives.

Rows amongst young fellas have happened throughout time. I found that they regularly happen up to around the age of 21/22. After that lads cop on generally speaking.

Kyle Hayes has a clean record. Does a huge amount of charity work. He contributes very positively to society, has brought great joy to Limerick people through his excellence on the hurling field.

He was not involved in delivering the eye socket injury to the injured party. Lads are jumping in points scoring without having followed this case at all. Give it over to fuck.


Why did he run?

He only took up the charity work after this event.

You Limerickā€™s have no shame.

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Have you washed your belly button?

Did two Gardai not say he kicked a man on the ground? That is one of the most cowardly things someone can do, drink on them is no excuse.

Moreover, he then told Gardai to fuck off.

His manager seemingly was pulled up in court by the Judge for claiming the fella had taken responsibility for his actions so your post appears to be part of a wider culture problem that comes from the top.