The Kyle wrecks your head thread

He could be a mixture of Mother Teresa in Kolkata and Bill Gates giving free jacks to Africans but not sure what thatā€™s got to do with going around telling people who they can and canā€™t speak to and ferociously attacking them inside and outside a bar?

And letā€™s not forget @The_Most_Infamous the victim wouldnā€™t have been in a position to receive a kick to the head from one of Kyle Hayes friends (not Kyle Hayes himself as two Gardai thought) as he lay on the ground, if Kyle Hayes hadnā€™t launched an unprovoked attack on the victim inside and outside the nightclub.

They were mistaken. Again, if you followed the case youā€™d be aware of this.

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Was that struck from the record? How was that determined?

Would you say he took responsibility for his actions?

The evening shift is in and drink has been taken by a few, expect a lot more nastiness

Thereā€™s probably another high profile Limerick hurler (a lethal forward) with another court case coming up in the not too distant future as well. This back and forth could become a regular occurrence on here for the next couple of years.

The injured party was actually thrown out of the nightclub. I believe he also admited to drinking a full bottle of rum before going out. Kyle Hayes walked out of the nightclub of his own accord which is quite telling.

If you followed the case youā€™d be aware mate. @kyle pointed it out earlier to @Enrique , its all there if youā€™re interested.

I donā€™t follow their games, are they rough on the field? My limited experience of the GGA would be that the Ulster types are generally hoodlums and West Wicklow has its issues. Is Limerick stick ball as bad?

Strikes me as a culture issue.

What are the allegations?

Is it not that they canā€™t prove he caused an injury? Doesnā€™t mean their evidence was discounted.

Anyway, Iā€™d hardly call someone who tells guards to fuck off and runs from the scene of a crime and then pleads not guilty as any kind of role model.

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The jury said he didnā€™t.

We canā€™t decide court cases on newspaper reports. Hayes is a gobshite, got convicted of one charge and found not guilty of another more serious charge.

I understand heā€™ll be sentenced by the judge who heard the trial and is bound by sentencing guidelines and wonā€™t be sentenced by the lad who got banned from here, went down a rabbit hole on Twitter where everybody who disagrees with him is far right and today decided a far right website was the gospel on Hayes.

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Assault outside a pub in Clare leading to a broken ankle. It could be speculation of course but no smoke without fire I suppose so we wait to see how that one develops.

Thats total rubbish.


Iā€™m sure there was likely a misunderstanding.

Kiely has set a precedent now heā€™ll have to give a character reference for any of them now in court. And heā€™s going to get a lot of stick over this one.
He should have gone up on the stand and started dancing around ā€˜so what do you want to know, your honour, and Iā€™ll tell you the gods honest truthā€¦ā€™


I heard he walked out of the pub of his own accord, therefore thereā€™s no case to answer

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Limerick are a County who allowed one of their players pick up the MOTM award for an All Ireland Final in the smoking area of pub.

They wouldnā€™t be the most classy of operators.

So why are you blowholing about it when you donā€™t know?

A few Limerick lads said the same here about the Kyle Hayes affair to be fair so Iā€™m not sure who to believe at this stage.