The Kyle wrecks your head thread

The shooters in Gerysteel and Loughinisland walked out of those pubs of their own accord.

Believe me, there is no truth to what you posted.

ā€œKickā€ by INXS. He keeps it spotless.

What surprises me is how ill informed most of the Limerickā€™s are about what happens within their own County.

ā€œBelieve meā€ :grin:

Nonsense. Provoked by a corner boy who already had a hurt ankle.

Was it just one charge, I thought someone said it was two charges?

Have you any idea why the jury didnā€™t believe the two Gardai?



The Clare lad started it and Gillane finished it. He ran to the guards then got embarrassed and withdrew the complaint

The more one looks into this case the clearer it becomes Kyle has been distinctly mis-advised throughout.
One wonders would this be down to his legal counsel alone or would others with vested interests have led him down the garden path

Youā€™d imagine lot of the other limerick players must be uncomfortable with the situation. Not their fault theyā€™ve put in this position by Hayes stupidity. Most of them seem good lads.

This thread is what Barbara Streisand style crisis management looks like.

What does that have to do with anything you gom?

He was found not guilty on one count of assault, and guilty of the other two disorder charges

I thought convicted one and acquitted one

Why the two violent disorder charges?

Do you have any insight as to why the Guards eye witness accounts were dismissed?

I donā€™t think they were dismissed?

Just that it wasnā€™t clear if they landed or something? Or that his kick did damage?

[quote="Enrique, post:1793, topic:26715,

Do you have any insight as to why the Guards eye witness accounts were dismissed?

The two guards were mudhutters from Clare. Explains itself

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I wasnā€™t using dismissed in the legal term. As I understand it, the two Guards testified they saw Kyle Hayes as perpetrator but he was acquitted of the related charge by the jury, i.e. they didnā€™t believe that it was Kyle Hayes as kicker, therefore dismissing the Guards evidence. Perhaps @Raylan can clarify

Iā€™d suppose the defence muddied the waters enough to suggest that it might not have been Hayesā€™ boot that did the actual damage, that it was part of a wider melee, but juries can do funny things at the best of times

You should probably have a lie-down Michelle, this is all getting too much for you