The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Seems like we need a Special Criminal Court for Limerick GGA.

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Right so damage aside, are we to undertake from the proceedings that there was any definitive conclusion that he did or didn’t kick the guy that lay prone on the ground in a foetal position?

An amateur sportsman deserves better than this scrutiny. Hung out to dry by the media. If he wasn’t an all star hurler no one would be talking about this case from 4 and half years ago.

Its poor form from lads here too who admit to hating gaelic games let alone watching any of them.


It’s Kyle Hayes, he can kick who he wants.

Fuck em kid. We’ll bate em on the field and off the field and they’ll do nothing about it.


All the old hits are being wheeled out now

You’ll win nothing with altar boys in fairness.

This Limerick hurling team are the best of us. We owe them an awful lot. 100 years from now people will be talking about them. They are heros who bridged a 45 year gap and absolutely backed it up in spades.

Took misfortune on the chin in 2019 and drove on again. An incredible group.


As people they seem to be some of the worst of us, encompassing some of the very worst values available to humanity.

He ran from Gardai too which is also quite telling.

You smell your own belly button.

Very telling.

Boys being boys, handbags or a melee?

All depends on if someone left the premises of their own accord I think

They’ve won four All irelands since the incident ffs


There are some lads here who wouldnt allow you on the premises in the first place without a jab if they got their way.

I think we can agree they’re the real bad guys, no arguments there.


The values of glassing a lad in the eye as acceptable justice?

Good point

Anything is possible tbh. When you see management asking a harmless fella like Nicky Quaid to take the knee you couldn’t rule anything out.

Whatever the outcome from here its clear there was no need for Kyle to go through all this. His life will never be the same. Whoever was advising him has a lot to answer for


Keep up the sweeping

Whoever advises him definitely likes breaking red lights at speed after a few pints and angrily dismisses anybody who thinks that’s a bad thing to do.