The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Its an odd one. I’m fairly sure if you go back both Darren Gleeson and Cathal Barrett got widespread condemnation from the Tippos on here

He’s Kyle Hayes, he can do what he wants.

We never got the poll today on whether advocating glassing a lad in the eye is wrong, will we get it before the weekend is out?

I think it shows the problem with integration and multi culturalism. The GAA should be for fellas called PJ, Seamie and Paidi and not corner boy names like Kyle.

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I dunno. Getting to the airport with no shoes is stupid. Provoking and then kicking the face off a lad with a gang of your Mayes over the course of an hour is more in the vicious category.
If he wasn’t integral to kielys legacy, would kiely have given him a character reference?
I doubt it very much. Past instances have shown this.
This is what galls a bit.
If he was a fringe player, he’d be gone. He happens to be one of the most effective hurlers to ever play the game, and to be a major tool in cementing Kiely’s palmares, so, fcuk the lad who had his face kicked in.
It’s not right really.


Maybe 5 years later kiely feels he has shown growth and knuckled down? Are you saying he should have discarded him 5 years ago or now 5 years later?

The growth is down to banned substances.

He’s certainly knuckled down, mainly on the eye sockets of innocent bystanders in pubs.

A thug.

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Lay off the hooch, you’re grammar has deserted you.

More attention than McGregor who has a much higher profile………

Outside of Ireland, yes. But in Ireland while a high profile he’d be hated by many of the rural country types who really matter

I think Kyle Hayes is the real victim here, his name is being dragged through the mud in the social media world we now live, who didn’t give out a few batings when they were young, and indeed received them?

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The lad who got the slap seemed to have made a right meal of it, I wouldn’t have even gone to hospital with that shinner in my day



There’s a lot of people on here that want him to see jail because he’s a good hurler.

Nearly a dozen people involved but he gets singled out because he’s a hurler.

There’s extremely dark forces at work in the shadows of this case. It’s very sad but not the first time in Ireland.


In true GAA terms, if you think this is good, wait til you see the next one

Sid posting the link from that right wing headcase the Clare Times with out knowing who it was to prove a point was the funniest thing I have see in years here, up there with the time Estaban lost his mind and ran off to Kerry with his family to live up in Mt Brandon at the start of covid


[quote=“myboyblue, post:1828, topic:26715, full:true”]

Christ. What a stupid fucking post. I’ll leave it at that

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Lads can’t even format posts now, they’re at that level of seethe.


Their hands are shaking with anger as they try and construct a post


You’d swear Kyler was booting them on the ground while they’re typing

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