The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Jaysus, snap.
Almost identical runs, wonder why I’m supposed to be burning so much more calories ?

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Your calorie burn looked serious on your long run too.
Could it be to do with your height/weight settings on strava?

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Height and weight would have a decent impact on the calories alright. The amount of work needed for someone 14st to run 5k is more significant than someone who is 12st etc…

This is a website that calculates that type of thing. You can play with it to see how height and weight impact things.

Hard to know how precise it is.


Yer heart rates are, ahem, highly divergent.

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He wasn’t able to count the time and the heart rate in his head.

Elapsed time + elevation is enough numbers floating around in Ed’s head without chucking current bpm at him as well.

Maybe, but I doubt @flattythehurdler is a whippet,
I’m about 5:11 and 80-81 kilos

No, but Ed might be

Ed was fcuked from the start this morning. He struggled a bit. We bumped into my mate the property lad* about 500m from the end. “Matty, thank fuck for that” said ed as we pulled up for a chat.

Matty asked were my new runners pictured above what Justin Bieber was wearing my these days. I told him he was wandering round with a cap on like a predatory rapist.
The end.


I’ll show you!

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Not if you injure yourself first!

Tis all the one … i’m not athletic - tis only pure Limerick pig-headedness that get’s me around the course… you’ve just thrown a load more coal on the fire.

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Eh, you’re a whippet too, mate!


Did 10km yesterday and my planters faciatis is a back with a bang. Might have to stick to 5 to 8 km

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Try and stay away from roads. Trails and pitches much better.


And if you are running on streets or roads try and run on asphalt and not concrete, more give on it. The Greenways are mighty for smooth surfaces. Footpaths are a balls as they are concrete and are ungulate up and down.
One thing I found also running distances, a road cambers/slopes to both sides. When you run on the left side of the road you can get pains in the hips and back, keep an eye on that too.

I have been running on a mix of tarmac paths and grass in St Anne’s Park for the most part.

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God no, I’d imagine I’m fairly close to what the ‘experts’ would consider overweight
I’d have been mid 70s all through my 20s without ever being skinny

Did Matt give Ed a piggy back home?

Ah stop … if you’re over weight then most of the country are obese