The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

They probably are, I’ll take a naked selfie and ye can judge, who was the fella with the pixilater again, was it flatty?
I know I’m not really overweight but I’m certainly not light for running

Im stone and a half overweight at the moment. Tipping the scales at 12 stone. When I ran marathon in 2014 I was 10 stone.


You’re grand, did a quick calculation there.

This is my one…

10 stone ??? :astonished:

BMI is a load of bollix …

I was a lean mean running machine

‘was’, ah will ya shtop lad!!

Give us a better way to calculating if you are overweight or not so

That ended my athletics career.

That and preferring football and booze.

Do you roll the sole of your foot with a ball.

10 stone at what height?

5 foot 11 and a half inches

It’s certainly not BMI … it doesnt take muscle mass or body type, your sex or bone density into account at all … BMI was brought into existence in the 1840s ffs.

RFM is more accurate but not perfect.

You’re barely alive … You’d make a fortune as an extra on a Nazi movie


That’s very light.
I’m 10 stone but a lot smaller than that.

I’m 23.9


You’re dead to me

You must be as fat as a fool

I have the height, I carry it well

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What height are you mate?

I’m 6ft. My GP expressed surprised when I weighed in at 85kg earlier this year. Didn’t think I’d be that heavy. Probably shed a little since but Mrs won’t allow a weighing scales in house (she’s naturally slim whereas I’d naturally carry). I would have been in the 90s I’d say in my college days and early 20s. Think I dipped below 80 (79 or so) when training from my only ever marathon