The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I’m 6’2" and over 95kg. The lowest I ever was back in 2011 and my first TdeM, got down to 89kg and I was like a biafrian! I’m blessed with big Limerick hips and thighs and an ass you could balance a pint on. Throw in my addiction to chocolate I can’t shift the weight. It’s actually a worry as the auld boy and the bro’s are all big units and all would have had health issues from very serious to weight related so I don’t want to go down that route. Best thing for me would to push away from the table so I need to get the finger out. Roast chicken dinner yesterday, went back for seconds and ended up eating another dinner nearly. Said to myself sure I won’t have the pudding but sure ate that too! If it wasn’t for the sweet tooth/white bread/toast/butter/beer I’d be grand. You can see yourself that I do a fair bit of training.


85kg at 6ft is about right? - tho there’s a difference between a bit of muscle weight and Supermacs weight.

I’ve a lack of muscle weight mate. Deffo carrying a wee bit. Round 82 would be my fighting weight I’d say

It’s all relative to your body type tho … I’m 5’ 10… But broad shoulder / big thighs like a samoan… By BMI index anything over 12 stone for that height is over weight — yet with my body type there isnt a hope in hell I’d get to 12 stone without actually starving myself to death. At my slimmest when I was running half marathons and playing soccer / hitting gym regularly, I was at 12.5 stone, with little body fat, yet BMI would say I was overweight at that …

Tis a cod of an index …

You do fuckloads of training. I found when I was training hard, I got ate anything and as much of it and I was still burning it off.

Have tried to be more careful lately as I was doing a lot less training

In old money you would be called “big boned”

my thighs and hole make up around 40% of my body weight. Great for arseing skinny lads off the ball when I was playing, like Dalglish


I would - broad shoulders / thighs but a trim waist … I was 32 waist until recently enough … 33 or 34 now but a lot of the time that’s to accommodate thighs… Tis a curse trying to source pants.

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I think I was built for rugby, like a winger or a centre. It’s the only sport I can think of that a shelf like what I have would have been useful.

Perfect number 6.

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Not a sport


Tried a bit of interval running there for the 5k.
Slow 1km
Fast 1km
Slow 1km
Fast 1km
Slow 500m
Fast ish 500m


Better off to do 10 x 400 metres. Jog easy 400 for recovery. Add one each week capping out at 16 x 400. Alternate with 6 hill sprints with jog down as recovery. Add one each week capping out at 10.

That’s one session. Do on a tuesday.

On thursday do tempo type sessions. Do 3 x 5 mins. Add one each week to capping out at 5x5. Alternate with a 20 minute tempo (confortably hard).

Do long run on sunday. Start at 40 mins very easy and add 5 mins each week capping at 90 mins.

Follow that for 10 weeks and you will run 19 mins easily.


How long/steep a hill would you need for decent hill sprints?

Could you explain this one a little more? What do you mean by tempo? Is that running in 70 - 80% effort range ?

You can run long hills or short steep. Either is good. Long hill be 100 metres.

Tempo is 10 mile pace more or less. Off your current 5k, you should be running at about 7.20ish per mile. As the weeks progress and fitness improves this will gradually come down.

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What would tempo be for 5.15 to 5.30 5km pace? And what should you do between each 5min interval?

Take 2mins recovery between 5 mins. Honestly Arthur, just get out and run easy miles as often as you can. Treaty stones has a very decent base of fitness from sport already. Use mcmillian running calculator to find tempo pace for your current level of fitness.

ie don’t be getting carried with yourself Arthur :blush:

Ah no the 3 runs you outlined per week for treaty are similar to what I just started doing lately and always heard about tempo runs so was just wondering what it was.
Thanks fenway.

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