The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

What evening do you drink ten pints?

Any evening you want.

@fenwaypark, is a tempo run always based on the same distance pace, or is it dependant on the type of training / distance you’re aiming for?

Same pace. Most people consider it 10 mile pace.

That seems awful slow and for a very short length of time relatively. What’s seen as the benefit of it? Can see the point of the speed run over shorter distance with intervals and the longer run at a slower pace.

The current pace or the goal pace?

Depends what stage your at, 10 mile pace for me would be punishing

It means different things to different people (tempo), there’s no actual definition, I would consider it goal marathon pace, that’s 5m per kilometre for me,
On the info you gave earlier I would think a tempo run for you would be about 5:45 perK, warm up slow, try that for 6-8 k and work from there, increased by as you feel ready, depends on your goal of course, if you plan doing a marathon you need to punish yourself from time to time

I haven’t a clue what I’m talking about by the way, just going on experience and trying to remember bits I’ve read in books, but there’s so much conflicting advice out there it would melt your head

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Is the point of tempo training not to condition yourself to be able to run to a set time over a set distance, that way you can pace yourself better?

Say you train to run 10km, each km 5 minutes. You know what pace that is, you can base off it

Tempo would be pretty close to 10 mile pace for me too as @fenwaypark suggested. Currently running them somewhere between 3’55 and 4 mins per k. Reckon I’d be sub 64 for 10 mile but probably would need to do a few more long runs. My intervals would be slightly quicker than my 5K pace. About 2 mins for 600s and low 3’30s for 1K. If I was marathon training I’d mainly just do tempos and add a few mins every week until I get to about 50/52 mins. All my long runs would be at about 5mins per km but not really going over 10 miles at the moment. I’ll give a 5k another go at the weekend. If I get the pacing right I think I’ll get under 18.



So going off fenways schedule earlier. I’d run for 5 mins at 5.45 pace. Walk for 2 mins. and repeat that 3 times. To start off.
And build that to 5 sets of 5 mins as weeks go on

Or 3 x 4 mins might be better. I would not be going at those sessions without a decent base of fitness. Too prone to injury.

To put it into perspective. I have been base building for last 11 weeks. I wont be starting specific training until next week.

I was following nike run club. I’m only starting really. At it about a month. Its giving me 2 speed runs per week. 8 x 200m. Then one ‘long run’ starting at 5.5km building by 0.5km every week.

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A better one than 200s is go to soccer pitch. Run diagonal hard. Run baseline as recovery and repeat for 12 minutes.


I was actually ignoring the 200m as I couldn’t measure it and running 1 minute hardish and 1 min slowish x8. 4.50 for the fast ones 6.20ish slow ones. Basically my big fear is getting injured as I’m enjoying it.

That is my fear for you too. Run those diagonals at 3/4 pace and you should be fine. It’s about getting the legs use to turnover quickly and promotes better running form. Same as lads doing a set of strides at the end of easy runs.

The tempo runs have me confused. I’m regularly running 5k’s now at around 4:45 pace. I did the 10k at roughly 5 mins pace. My 10 mile pace would be around 5:12 per or thereabouts. What is the benefit to me of multiple runs at the 5:12 pace rather than my normal 5k pace? Or am I missing something very obvious.

A friend of mine who runs marathons sticks to an 80/20 rule. 80% easy runs, 20% tough.

You would run tempo intervals harder. 10 mile pace is long tempos.

That’s the opposite of what you said to Treatystones earlier?