The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

10 mile pace is not easy. Its comfortably hard.

Long tempos are 20 to 60 mins.

This is all very confusing… I’m running 10 miles in diagonals across a pitch in 20 to 60 mins?


Best advice for anyone wanting to improve is to join a club. You will get expert advice.

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Have you a goal in mind @Mac, and a distance?
I think that tempo depends on what you are training for and how far you want to run at that pace,

But it should be tough, for you I would think maybe 6k st 4:45 would be a nice workout for you once a week, long run at about 5:30 - 5:45 pace

A tempo is not interval training

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Is that 10 fast ones, or 5 on, 5 off

You run those hard.

You can have tempo interval training for speed endurance. 5 x 5 mins or 1 mile repeats are good examples.

Not sure I’ll manage this one either. Got to three km the other day and calf went again.

I’m not built for running. Open the fucking gyms

My long run last week was at 5:32 pace for 11k odd. Aiming to build up to half marathon on August Bank Holiday weekend and then there should be a half marathon race in the town here on September 13th.

Have only done one half marathon before in Lisbon and did it in 1:50. It was as flat as anything though. If I could do it again around that time the August weekend I’d be happy enough and then try to shave maybe 5 mins off it for the run in September.

Where’s that half on in September? Hopefully there’s a few races later in the year. Our club race is in September too and they’re not expecting it to go ahead.


Yep, have never actually ran it.

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Gorey. Twas supposed to be on in March and was postponed. The Hope and Dream 10 miler in Enniscorthy is scheduled for October 4th too. That’s always a good one.

You might recognise this view too by the way

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The Rathfarnham one?

I ran 17.05 in 2014. That was preparing for DCM. That is my pb. I thought I would go sub 17 in jingle bells but marathon was still in legs.

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Building up a base.

You will go sub 17 there.

While there is a match going on.

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