The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

It’s a ridiculously fast course isn’t it?

Not as quick as jingle bells. You have a sharp enough hill after about 1.5k. Then a deceptive drag up templeogue road.

Overall, very quick.

17’30 is my PB from 4 or 5 years back. Would be happy enough to get down close to that.

You will pulverise that. Bet you were not with club then?

You got a decent day for it. The last 600m is pretty steep.

Been in club since 2012 but wouldn’t have raced too many 5ks recently. I’d have more stamina than speed. Tend to run better marathons than for other distances.

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Id be amazed if there is any races this year to be honest.

The first km and the last 600 are very tough. We might head for Croghan next weekend and see how it compares :sweat_smile:

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The lad who runs popupraces has begun doing some trial 5k races with social distancing etc in place. Race starts in waves with 4-6 people at a time every minute or so.

I’d say cross country be the most likely to go ahead. Have never tried it but might give it a go this year. I usually go into hibernation after Autumn marathon and lose all my fitness.

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Cant see it working.

By coincidence, I was actually doing 400ms earlier, did 5 with 5 easy 400s in between. Those hard ones were all on a shallow incline, getting to 10 would be… a challenge. :neutral_face: I’ll aim for 8 next time I’m at it.

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Lads I’m by no means an expert but when I was training some bit properly I would build up long runs, making them longer each week. Don’t be worrying that it’s not your 5km pace, take it out handy enough. For me, it was all about spending longer time on my feet. An hour, 80 minutes, 90 minutes, whatever. Those runs will get quicker at the same effort. But building up endurance for me was a big thing.

Different things work for different lads, but training is not about going out and busting yourself every fucking time. That’s what racing is for


I’d say the commercial races will be pushing strong to get back up and running. Maybe some of the smaller club races. If you want a 10K PB, do the Kilmore one. Usually in September too.

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Great discussion there lads, have come back in from a run to read it. Found this evening very uplifting as I put the same effort in for a better time. Pretty much what’s been said on here this evening.


When is the 5k @caulifloweredneanderthal… Do we have a 5k specific thread? We can keep this for all other advice , times and confusing training advice.

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Aren’t we running up mountains next?

Ah bollix. I’ve been running diagonally across pitch on the flat … When is that?

You’ll be unreal at beating the offside trap when you go back playing