The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

First weekend of July. Mountains is mid August @backinatracksuit. See first post

Ok… Time to get going. Fuck you @Fran

We go again

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So, second timed run. Took it a bit more serious, got proper runners and downloaded strava. Flew under the 30 minute mark. I know it’s nothing spectacular, but starting from a base of absolute zero, glad to be shaving good portions off time.

Happy with that. Still running trails so will give flat run a go sometime and see how I fare. May stick at it now not to be shamed on the internet.

This was finish line today. Great morning out.


Well done on that, the magic 25 is a legit target I’d say
Is it Tintern Abbey? Haven’t been up there in a while but it looks a bit like that I think

Yeah I definitely think I can go faster than what I did. There was times I was plodding and I knew it, and I’d a couple of small stops too. Just get out a few more times and keep at it. I might change tact now and rather than just go run a 5k, actually do it in a training manner like fenway was saying above. I just wanted to have a base time to see where I was at as I hadnt a clue as to what kind of time I could run, and then I was unhappy with that so went out this morning and wanted to see if I could beat that. So my first aim was done, so I’ll do it properly now and structured runs. Havent trained or ran in months so happy enough with the starting point really. I did an ambling jog for about 3k after the run too as I felt good so just kept on doing a bit.

And yes, thats Tintern Abbey. If you havent been in a few years, it will be very different now as to then. There is about 10km of forest trails within the grounds and they have a restored walled gardens in there now. There is a pub about 1km away on a trail too which has a lovely beer garden and food too, so great for summers evenings. Lucky to live within walking distance of such a place.


What’s the name of the pub, bro? Are you doing Air B n B later this year?

Well done mate. You’ll go faster when you’re on flat roads but I’d be like you and much rather be on a trail than the road any day


@fenwaypark so I was looking at hill at the end of the street - it’s about 30m long/high give or take a meter or two … it’s at the end of a treeline - the treeline is about 200m so if I did a hill sprint i could loop back around the treeline to bottom of hill in a slow jog (400m) and up she goes again - or is that too much of a gap between each sprint.

Talk to me about 400m dash then - do a circuit at about 60/70% pace and recover on the next lap and repeat ? How many laps? -

I’m gonna give one of the above a lash tomorrow.

I used to do sub 60 second 400m repeats back in the day.

Young lads have no idea what they have in their youth.

You sound like you are after lactate threshold drills. Have a read Of these. They are brutal. I’ve seen sub 3 hour marathon runners brought to their knees throwing up after 5 minutes of a lactate drill


Do those 400s hard ( quicker than 5 k pace). Do lap at a crawl as recovery. Start at 6 and add 1 or 2 each week. That’s a tough session. That sounds fine for a hill session.

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Vine cottage.

You can camp out in the back garden if you like bro. Always welcome here. Failing that, there are a lot of nice places around the south wexford coast to check into. You could spin down and stay with @Appendage and then move along the coast to the Hook Peninsula

It’s important to acknowledge your age… Lads in 40s, thinking they’re in their 20s, heading out for a 5k dash after years of nothing is madness and a recipe for a bad end… I went out a few times lately inspired by fathers here who can do it all (cc @Bandage)… But my jogs have turned into a slow procession… One paced as be jaysus… My body is telling me I’m done with anything too fast… It’s no interest/ability in going up the gears. carrying 17st doesn’t help but if I lost 7 lbs I’d look skinny . :man_shrugging:
Even at the slow pace I’ve now a pain where my calf meets my achilles…


I’d fall apart altogether if I tried doing the mileage some of these lads are at, mad stuff Ted

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shur you dont hit peak strength until 45 — plough on ta fuck.

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It’s literally all in your head.

Any lad in his forties not doing pilates and mobility work May as well buy a bungalow
or get the stairlift installed now.


I have a number of pilates coaches I follow on Instagram… Great videos… Superb technique… :eyes:


The mind is the greatest and worst tool we have. It’s job is to get us to where we want to go as easy and hassle free as possible … that’s how we evolved to survive. In the modern age that means - i’ll have a few cans and a pizza as the sun is out, i’ll run tomorrow instead … fuck it, it’s raining today - i’ll put it off until the weekend and i’ll have a nice dinner and watch netflix with the mrs instead… Fuck it, it’s the weekend, i’ve had a long week - i’ll start monday.

Get out and run… go for a handy 3k run and when youre out and close to hitting 3k just keep going. Your brain is the enemy … you have to fuck it up.

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Atomic Habits. The mind wants to close the circle. Once you start it’s easier to finish.