The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Tackies like?

@TreatyStones did you get shin splints when you were playing?

I have decent yokes. Asics GT something. Recommended by my marathon running buddy.

Slow and steady effort tonight, was supposed to be taking a break tonight after two (shite) 5ks the last two nights. But felt good, and there was lovely downpour that took the stick out of the air for the first time in weeks.

I don’t think I’m making any progress the last while to be honest, but I’m fitter now than I have been in more than ten years I’d say and I’m happy enough with that. I’ve also managed to get through the lockdown without putting on any weight (and without losing any :face_with_raised_eyebrow:). That could have got very messy :sweat_smile:

Good base for the Gah season now which will hopefully stand to me given the short lead in.


His knees are hopping off his chin when he’s running sure

No wonder hes so fast and he like moses kiptanui

Again let me preface by saying I’m talking off the top of my head and just from my own experience.

As @Julio_Geordio said, you probably already do but just in case, get good cushioned runners,
And sometimes you have to go out on tired legs and feet, you’ll loosen out soon enough, if you’re prone to particular injuries you won’t be long finding out, you need to build up a bank of running and fitness to achieve your undoubted potential

The Run Hub is open again for gait analysis @TreatyStones.

I’ve been running the last while and was a massive sceptic about it before hand.

I don’t time it or anything but just head out without the phone. No headphones. Just amble along. Its great for the head

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TFK is gone stone mad for the running

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Went stone mad there this evening. 400m x 10 intervals. 600m warm up and 500m cool down. Unrale going.


I plan to do something similar tomorrow …

where’d you find the space to do it?

You’re not gone that fat are you?

You’d wonder what everyone is running away from

cc @KinvarasPassion


No mate ---- there just wouldnt be as much leafy green spaces in Douglas as there is in RocCo.

Some are running from something. Others are running towards something.

Cc @Tassotti

Some are just training for life!

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Gah pitches should be open soon



It was an impromptu run to try out the new watch cc @TheUlteriorMotive — I wasnt on my A game kid… I did 4.3k in 23:06 — I was on course to smash the the magic 25 barrier… we go again.

Did you do the beep test lately?