The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Think of it this way. You’ve 4.3k in the legs that you didn’t have yesterday. You’ll go again


Sorry I was laughing at your Fenners quip, not the fact that you blew a gasket


I’ll prove him wrong - just you wait and see.


I have no doubt

Tom Brady never feared Fenway Park.

Tramore Park and a bit up the Sth Douglas Rd across and back down to the village

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There must be a lot of canals in Didsbury if she swam all that.

Hon Claire

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Nah, she just did 2 laps of flattys pond

Set out to do 1hr10mins at about 5:30 pace or so and surprised myself by getting 13km done which was around 5:20 pace. Got a sports massage on Tuesday and think it’s done miracles for my calves and quads as they never felt looser.

A few decent climbs as well as a good head wind so feeling fairly smug about it at the moment. Strava lost 2 mins of it during the sync with my watch for some reason :joy:


I’m due to get a sports massage on the legs alright, was onto my guy last week and he said he’d be ready for next week. There’s a knot in my left calf I can’t get out with the foam roller/sliothar.

You’re getting fit.

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I realized this morning that 12k off road is plenty.

I’m thinking of doing my TFK half marathon off road

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Went for a long handy run this evening, just shy of 11km.


First attempt at putting bit of effort into 5k since the 20k on the bank holiday. The cooler weather makes it a bit easier. Need to start a plan to speed it up now.


@fenwaypark is living rent free in my head — I’m starting too fast or way too slow.

I’m going back to longer slow runs.


Are you doing any strength work on your core or legs mate?