The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

What shoes you currently wear for running ?

Heading out now… No set goal, we’ll see what the body says.

Nice and slow.

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I like not having a plan. That’s how Wednesday went and it was one of my best runs this year in terms of feel and performance

Shouldn’t be a problem for our boy Tom.



Nike Free Runs. They’re more for the gym than running.

@fenwaypark I have noticed a bit of niggle on my knee cap. Would this be linked to running? I can actually feel the sore spot right on the bone (midway up inner edge of knee cap) when I press on it, so feels more like an impact injury but I don’t recall any impacts.

IT band.

RICE, thumb up the hole, anti inflammatory medication should fix it.

Ah you could easily have bumped off a table or chair. Go for a run and see how it is.

Not that, pain would be on outside of knee if itb.

I’m babysitting today.
Tomorrow morning will be run time.

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First run in the pissing rain for what seems like a long time, easy 10.5 k

Some fancy chap with the best of gear and a haircut you could set your watch to came around the corner at Ivan’s at the same time as me, he was moving much quicker than me and started building up a nice bit of distance between us, but he kept looking over his shoulder to see where I was (I told myself anyway, he wasn’t looking for anything else), I kept a steady pace (around 5:10) and tried to pay it no attention but I took satisfaction in reeling him in once it became clear he was biting off more than he could chew, I passed him with a friendly nod around Barringtons pier, I’d say it waS one of the new TFK Running clique :+1:, don’t give up mate


I’m going out to measure a kilometre

Sounds like you were in a royal rumble with @Julio_Geordio

I’d never make it as far as Ivan’s and there’s no chance I could overtake someone doing a 5.10 pace for anything more than about 20 seconds :joy:

::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: You bitch…



I did the km in 5:02 mins. 1.05km to be exact. 28 degrees heat at half six here. I went with the young fella. I showed him the start and the finish line. He tore away ahead of me, “grand I’ll do my own pace here”. Legs felt heavy but I had cycled 32 km in sweltering heat earlier and had cut the lawn. Got to the finish line, no sign of your man. Waited a couple of minutes. Then I saw him a few hundred yards up the road puking his ring up. He’d ran 1.3km in 6:02 and he was fucked. That’s about 4.5 mins for the Km. he missed the finish line.


He’s the man of the house now