The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I’ve went up the hills 2 or 3 times recently. Different game altogether. One of the k’s took me 8 mins and was tougher than any effort on the flat. Found it took a good while to recover too.

I was just wondering, wasn’t a challenge at all

84mins was my best for 10 miles at Ballycotton. Did it five times, 90, 90, 90, 84 & 86

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You ask a question, it’s a challenge!

I was close to it about five years ago when I last played senior hurling. Was part of pre season training benchmark. Made do 12 lengths of the Astro which was around 85 metre in length. Was around 3:35 in early jan and just over the three mark by Valentine’s Day.

Doubt I’d get close to it now.


Some training for the hill running tonight, lovely night for it

Finished off with a swim


That’s savage going, in fact so fast I suspect you have either the time or distance wrong. I’ve the results of 4 years worth of tests and only the very best lads would be hitting that in January (albeit these times would have been done on reasonable heavy pitches).
Plus with a turn every 85m, its seems very quick, you would normally take off at least a second per turn if you were using the results to calculate a MAS running level.

I might be off on the exact figure but I nicely under the 4 minute mark from what I remember. The other possibility is that the S&C person was told that the Astro was 85 metre when it was was probably a good bit shorter.

@backinatracksuit, the island field?

That’s a nice path, there was a fella there at about 8 this morning using a glass pipe to suck something from burning tinfoil, crack or meth?

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Even the junkies have taken up running in Cork during the lockdown.

Either or, that’s horrific…

Ok - fitness reality check there.

Went out at lucnh break to do 4 x 400 intervals - did 3 and was sucking air. Went off way too fast for the first one cc @fenwaypark - looked at the watch as I was coming to a finish at it was 3.30 or something like that - a bit beyond my current fitness levels anyway … I was sucking air after the 3rd one so walked it off down the end of the green and did 5 hill runs instead - about 50 % pace up about 30 meters give or take a meter either way… not sure how steep the hill is - Strava says max elevation gain 61 meters - where does that sit on the steepness difficulty level?

Honestly, you are wasting your time doing sessions until you have an okish level of fitness. Just run as easy and as often as you can. You do that and your fitness will improve incrementally.

You try and do sessions off a poor base, you are probably going to get injured. There is no fun in that.


It all builds fitness kid … I just wanted to see where i’m at + i’ve been neglecting HIIT type exercise and wanted to get back doing a bit. I’ll taper it back next session …
It doesnt help that every time I go out to exercise the Chicago Bulls entrance song goes off in my head.



The youth of today are so impatient.

I went out and did another 4.4k run there it’s such a nice evening.


Too good of an evening to not go cycling. You’d be bate if you went running.

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Cycling isn’t hard. It’s only a pastime


I was flying it till around 3.8k in and then I opened my legs and expressed myself… Today’s exploits came home to roost then.

What a days training… Intervals, hill sprints and a run.

Over to you @Fran