The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

You are in his head now. That’s worth 2 minutes.

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It will throw him right off his game.

I was going to take a break tonight but fuck that

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I often do 40 or 50 miles on the bike there, the heart rate never goes over 115 it’s a pure cod, no wonder you see loads of fuckers up on bikes about 17 stone. I often wonder how the bike doesn’t callopse under them. Big thundering legs and stomachs on them. 10 cream buns stick down the back of the top


They spend more time sitting around outside coffee shops scoffing doughnuts than on the bike. Cycling is the new golf


Lads spending 5k to get a bike 500g lighter and them 18 stone ating croissants.


Wouldn’t get up on anything cheaper than ten grand.

Sure I’m on 25minute pace for the 5k after one training jog. Wasn’t even out of breath after it.

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I read recently that an expensive bike is useless under the steam of a weekend cyclist, absolutely no difference in times on a 1 grand bike to a ten grand bike

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You get the best value out of good wheels rather than the frame as such.

First bit of recce for the vertical challenge, 12 o clock hills in East Clare, lovely trail up through the forest but disappointingly the downhill is almost all road, was looking forward to some Killian Jornet freestyling,
I’ve a feeling the views are spectacular from the top but I was in the clouds


Good man. I might try and hit some hills tomorrow

PS if you’re looking for some Jornet-esque descents, you might need to invest in some trail shoes

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Great pace for that climb

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Did a couple runs since last logging on this thread. Have changed pace, first km easy, second hard, third easy, fourth hard and last one whatever is left in me, which is usually slow start but finishing strong. Did a 27.30 this morning, so took a minute off my last logged time last week. Feeling much easier and better, the run this morning I felt shite starting out, sore and achy, but was best time yet, that despite an aul bidy holding me up on a path for a bit and getting a smack in the noggin when I didnt see a branch had fallen. Still feel I’ve more in it, and want to give a go on a flat road run sometime soon, but might leave that for the bank holiday run. Am still holding back a bit as I dont want to fuck myself up. My aim will be to break 25 on the flat then. Again, nothing spectacular about any of these times, but happy to keep my fitness up and keep improving my times.


Didn’t feel like I was going any faster so must be getting fitter. Weather was warm as fook up here in Gods country :black_circle::yellow_circle::black_circle::yellow_circle:


Attempted a slow run yesterday evening but the legs felt really heavy. Muddled through 7km, put felt bad for all of it. Also seem to have a very slight niggle in my hamstring.

Not going to do anything now until Friday evening when I’ll try the 400m intervals.

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I did 21k on very heavy legs this morning, just lost myself in a good book and ploughed on, it’s a great feeling to have that kind of fitness in your legs even when you’re tired


Legs will often feel like that when training. Nothing to worry about.

I don’t know how he run in the evening. I can barely drag myself up the stairs.

It’s a great thing to kill the tiredness. You’d often feel like you’re already empty but after 10 mins the endorphins start flowing and it’s a great buzz.

Muggy as fuck here this evening. Went out without really knowing what I wanted to do and decided to see how far I could get in 30 mins. Got 6.25km done. Was fairly empty by the end of it but feel great for it.