The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I’m told Fijians are bigger again

That’s cause they ate a pile of sugar every day. Savage diabetes problem over there

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7 and a bit km there at a very handy pace (5’30/km) and back seems ok. The sweat is absolutely pouring out of me though. Passed a fella running in a full tracksuit, getting in the heat training cc @mickee321

Have a running ‘date’ made with Xavier next door for the hills on Friday evening. I’ll be like Flatty with all the running buddies next


30 degrees here now.
I’ll not be running today

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Is that pronounced Zavier or Haviyeh?

Go for a cycle. Sure that’s not exercise at all.

I’ll be doing bikini boot camp later mate.

Sure Glenda

Which involves?

The former. He’s from Brittany I believe. His Mrs is from Moldova. Seems a bleak place

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5km done this morning. First 3km I went a bit quicker than I normally would which resulted in me completely emptying out and nearly crawling home for the last 2km. A real rookie error but sure at least I set my fastest ever mile on Strava :roll_eyes:


Getting my figure bikini ready

Tfk out in front of the trend again.

Cc @Bandage have you seen these two wagons in St Anne’s

That’s bikini bootcamp done. Had to pause in the middle to rescue a frog from the next door neighbours cat. The cat then wandered in and is currently asleep on the kitchen table.

Who has the sexiest pair of legs on here? I have an unreal set of tanned pins

We have your word but no pic, mate

First session back in the field tonight. We’ll see if all this running made a jot of difference

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours

I have shocking legs mate. All thighs and calves and no tan