The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Do you wax them at all? I haven’t had mine done since February

The mrs’ is re-opening the salon soon, i’ll put you down for a full leg wax.

I don’t know what to say to those last two posts :flushed:

Hmmm mixed results. We did a 1k fitness test at the start. Finished 4.45. But I could have gone a shade faster. Same problem with my 5k can’t go fast at the start as mentally I won’t let myself in case I blow up. Didn’t have loads in the tank at the end but I definitely had plenty more. That said I was 5.45 at the start of the year so a full minute off. But that was an awful time in the first place. Was still well behind the pack on the 1k. Could probably go 20 seconds faster at my best but wouldn’t have passed many with that.

We did some short stuff then and while I wasn’t fastest or anything, I was middle of the pack. Good going for me :joy:. Had more left in me at the end and it was a tough session so happy enough to an extent. Recovery is much better. Speed is better, but not brilliant. Speed over distance is still shite. I console myself with the fact that I don’t need speed over distance. And probably 75% of the lads faster than me can’t hurl for shite :joy:.


Was doing a good bit of more distance stuff with no issues recently but first night back in the field properly tonight and my calves are in bits

The uneven ground, and turning, a killer.

A minute a km off is some going. Give yourself a bit of credit there lad.


Claire blew a gasket at 9k and had to stop. In fairness it didn’t get below 20 degrees last night and she had 1 strong black coffee before running🤷


You need more reliable running partners mate. I’ll let you know how my date goes tomorrow

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Big improvements mate as @flattythehurdler said

Will you be doing the 5km next weekend?

Tea and a glass of water before any run.

I’ll try and give it a lash if I can find a day that falls right for me


I don’t fancy it at all.

Tried a few intervals at lunch. I think I need a better watch or somewhere like a field to do them properly.

Did 8 x 400m with 90 sec rest (jog at about 6min pace).
Pace was approx 3:40 - 3:55 but it was hard to judge because the watch was slow to adjust to change in pace from jogging to running, so I was about 150m into each rep before I knew how fast I was going and then checking again to see how far I’d gone. It would have been better to just do a lap of a field.

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That’s excellent. You should aim to do these by time rather than pace. Aim for 85-90 secs for 8×400.

I did 12×400 last week and aim was 95secs.

I get you.
Again my basic watch complicates that a bit as I’d end up trying to calculate it in my head.
I’ll get a proper watch in the near future that has settings for intervals.

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This week’s runs:

Tuesday - abandoned after 2.50km.

Today - abandoned after 2.47km.

I haven’t anything in the @Tank.


Great consistency there. That’s what running is all about.

And walked home?

Pick up a garmin. You can programme in the intervals in a minute. Takes all the thinking out of it.