The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Wank .

Do long run at weekend. 60 mins very easy. Do tempo mon or tuesday. Very slow 40 mins next day. Then thurs do some intervals. Dont do same session every week. Next week try 16 x 200 metres. Aim for 45-50 secs for each. Take 60 secs as recovery.


Sounds like a good mix. I need to run that 5k next weekend so have to factor that in too.

Basically 4 runs a week. Two sessions, a recovery run between and a long run. That’s a standard template. Long run is about time on your feet and pace should feel very easy.

Recovery run between sessions is done at a crawl. Anywhere between 20 and 45 mins.


15km done at 5:26 pace. First 8km were much slower. Stopped for piss and water then and second 7km much quicker. 90% odd humidity. I’ve never sweat as much in my life


Killed two birds with one stone ?

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8.5km in over 70 mins in the hills today :astonished:

We (read: I) took a wrong turn and ended up spending 35 minutes scrambling through 2km of forestry til we found some open mountain. We were both too stubborn (read: stupid) to turn back.

It was worth the 2km to find a bit of this


Is that Xavi with you?

Yep, my ‘Ed’.

He’s probably never seen dirty shcuttery misht like it

Plenty of it. He’s been up there before but not the route we ended up taking today. We climbed over the rocks in the first photo there and all we could see was mist, so we turned around and went back down by the wall , in through the forest, and then hit the mountain bike trails for the descent.

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Went up Keeper very early this morning @caulifloweredneanderthal, decided to go while I was lying in bed and stuck with the plan when I looked out the window, pissed rain the whole way, this hasn’t synced to Strava app yet but I’m sure it will,
Thinks it’s about 700m? 16.5k anyway, averaged about 6:30 going up and 4:30 coming down, I’d say it was well before7 that I started out


Good man, you’ll have about 600m in the bank there. A little more if you started at road instead of car park

Should have got the mother to stick on the kettle for ya.

I’ve maintained a steady pace boozing this week… I’d two cans upstairs also for a bit of incline. Drinking at a steady 2 cans an hour pace…stopping to piss occasionally… gonna do some intervals tonight -


That’s my next door neighbor. Used play centre Aussie rules. Just moved in. A great lad.

Messed up this morning. Went straight into intervals when I should have warmed up first. Blew up at close to 3km (cc @Bandage) and then slivered my way home for the last 5km. At least I got out


At least you didn’t spend half an hour hiking and scrambling through forestry to find a trail :joy:

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We go again

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