The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Finally uploaded to Strava, started this at 6:47 this morning for you early risers, it’s a tough climb because it’s fairly gentle the entire way to the top, no steep sections, and the stony nature of the path makes a fast descent quite difficult, the poor dog was probably a bit tired by then as well and I had to be careful he wasn’t getting in my legs, nice to do it though, pity I didn’t get the view


Making me jealous now you bollix

On a clear day you’d see down to our house from the summit (it’s never fucking clear at the summit by the way. I’ve done numerous summits running of it and a few on MTB and the only proper clear view I got up there was during a snow covered day up there on the MTB)

You went up a slightly shorter way than I would usually (I’d normally take a right after the car park - see map below) but your way is arguably tougher actually, as there’s not as much easing into it. Not a difficult descent, first 2km have a little bit of loose stone but nothing like coming off an open mountain, and after that you’ll hit some fast fire road. I’ve done my fastest kms coming down there

Loads of trails etc worth exploring round there today. Our mutual friend will hook you up.


I considered coming down that way and making a loop of it but wasn’t sure if I was adding extra distance and I had to think of the poor old dag

I could only see about 10 metres in front of myself approaching the summit

The worst was the day I hit it with hailstones pelting me. One eye covered with a buff!

Be only half a km distance difference I reckon.

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I think I will give this a blast in the morning if it isn’t milling rain. Did it last year untimed and was caught out on the ascent a bit. Great on the way down


Did 8km 2 weeks ago and couldn’t move for a week after it. Did 6k on Wednesday and went for a 10k this afternoon. (Had intended to do 5) feeling grand now but may suffer tomorrow. Would I better off to just do 5k runs and focus on upping the pace or will I stick to 10km runs or continue to mix things up? As you can see below my splits were all over the shop. Should i try focus on hitting a consistent pace …


Stick to 5ks and run them comfortably. Forget about pace. You need to improve your aerobic fitness. Plenty of 5k easy runs will do that.

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What happened in the third Km at all?
Have you a goal with these runs, i know that if i was in your shoes I’d be looking to go a little further as the months progress, maybe get up to half marathon for 2021 somewhere, two short runs during the week and a longer one at the weekend, sometimes you’ll feel grand at 10k and other days you won’t be able for 8, but you need to build up your general aerobic fitness as fenners said, running more often will definitely do that

Had to traverse a few hills and heading up was into a strong breeze. The rest was fairly level ground. Hadnt a route planned out to start with either. If I have something left in the tank I tend to keep going which is probably counter productive in the long run.

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My legs are sore enough today, just did a short run to try to loosen them out but hill running is a different game altogether, I’m guessing the weather in the mid west has turned you off this?

Yeah, woke at 8 and it was pouring. What harm it has cleared now but to late for me

23.58, no asterisk this time @Locke ya bollix!

Didn’t think I’d get the 25 minutes but on the last stretch I knew I was under so sprinted out the last couple of hundred metres and pleasantly surprised to get under the 24.

@caulifloweredneanderthal I might need to log this for next weeks run, am out of office most of the week and lot of shite on next wknd so unlikely to get a run in again before mid next week.

I’ve no real charity of choice, but @fenwaypark and @Thomas_Brady you both mentioned ones. Happy to throw you a tenner each.


Keeper Hill is probably the closest proper mountain (2000+ ft) to my home place, but I’ve never held much grá for it, probably because it’s a relatively simple track all the way to the top without a whole pile to see on the way. But I’ve always gone up the same track, so maybe one of the other trails would be worth checking out. I’m just on about hiking now, I’ve never done any hill running.

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It’s 3km from my home house. I did a brick session on the bike once (maybe 20km on bike) and said I’d run from the house to top of Keeper and back. While going up the keeper paths, I was getting bored I think, and decided I’d take a short cut and hike through the heathers. Stopped about 500 metres from home as I was knackered but must have been about a 20km jaunt

Found the splits there. Km 9 was when I started hiking. Cut about 1.5km out at least but would have been faster running up it


Surely wind assisted :smiley:

Serious running pal

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In fairness to @Gman he went out and back. Well done lad, something to aim for.

P.S. Rent free


For the last km I had the prodigy blaring on my headphones and the thoughts of making sure I did it in less than 25 mins so that I could let some random fella on the INTERNET know about it!


Ran the route the opposite direction to the last time. Was tough enough the first 5k, all up hill and into the wind.


Same distance as you but almost 20 seconds slower a km. Wind and rain the whole way. A real grind it out day