The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

That’s probably the pace I should have been going at. Fell between two stools of pushing it and take it easy.

I was running past a Wexford strawberry stand on the side of the road and a passenger car opened up and nearly went straight into me. Had to do some quick thinking. Reminded me of the time I did the Great Limerick Run and at the last second saw I was going straight into a traffic cone and had to hurdle it.

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You’d probably want to stop running around with your eyes closed

Any recommendations for a set of earphones for running? Don’t need anything fancy.

I got Mpow wireless ones on Amazon. About 20 quid and they’re grand.

I’ve got these too but they fall out of my ears the whole fucking time so I run to the sounds of nature (or some bullshit like that)

You’d get a set of wireless airpod knock offs for €20. Cheap Chinese ones that do the job. Keeping them in your ears can be an issue alright.
I was talking to a fella about this the other day and he was saying he was something like this. Wireless but it at least if they fall out of your ear while running they won’t smash onto the ground

I struggle normally to keep headphones in so not sure about the wireless/ ear pod type things.
I’m not too bothered if they are wired.


Haven’t tried them but these might do the trick

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Look up the aftershockz ones. They’re a great job. I got one of the older models for 70 quid or so. Best ones I’ve ever had for running. You’re fucked if you’re running on a busy road though as traffic will drown the sound out.

Like myself… I use a wireless headset instead.

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I got these a couple of weeks back. Wired ones were annoying me and the bud ones I wouldn’t be sure would stay in. These have been great, don’t fall out and aren’t jammed and uncomfortable in the ear. Good sound quality too.

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Getting the back sorted tomorrow… hopefully get out for a run Tuesday… It will have been a full week since my last run with a lot of beer, some week and a bit of ketamine… Font think I’ll be putting up a decent 5k time.

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Got a set of these JLab Jbuds a few weeks back. Might be a bit pricier than what you’re after but have had no complaints with them, definitely haven’t slipped out on me yet.

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You need something with a wing like this, it will never fall out of your ear, put it in position and then twist a little and it wedges into that groove above your ear hole, these are very expensive but I’ve seen cheaper ones with a similar setup

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These. They have great sound for the price.


@TreatyStones plz buy a pair of ALL earphones recommended here and report back with your findings.


Not sure about using Noise Cancelling headphones while running the roads.

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On longer runs fair enough, something to listen to is nice. But for 5km or even 10km, its 25min to an hour, you can go phone free for that period of time. You’ll have a watch for your times.

Heading back on the trails with Xavier tomorrow hopefully. Fuck road running