The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Isn’t that what he said, three fold? And you agreed?
I don’t have a clue, I’ve never cycled that far but I’m sure i could

More like 15km = 50km. I’d ask @Locke to make a comparison. It’s all about relative fitness levels anyway. I’m sure I could run 5km in a bandagesque time if I tried. No doubt you could do 100-150km on the bike without problem because you are fit.

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Another vote for the Ballyhouras, there’s a few quiet forest roads around the Slieve Felims too above Murroe, Cappamore and Doon, although the tops are a bit wild and boggy.

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Exactly. I’d say 50k flat on the bike is the same as, give it take, a 15 k run, whatever “the same as” means, and depending on how hard you are working. I’d put them down as an equivalent workout, give or take, for someone who does a bit of both.
A habitual cyclist who never runs would skew one way, and vice versa, but roughly.

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Wild and boggy sounds like the space under my bed at the moment.

It’s clearly relative and depending on the individual so @balbec and @flattythehurdler.
i would barely work a sweat up cycling 50k but 15k running is still a serious workout for me

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You’re not cycling very hard.
The end.

Eight years ago I took part in the Krakow business run. A relay around the green belt circling the main square. One circuit is approximately 4km. I did it with my bike fitness and a few practice runs in about 17 minutes. I don’t know how to run so my shins were sore for about a month after. That is the last time I ran.

Apple’s and cucumbers lads, you can’t compare… Cycling is tough tho… The only time I was completely fucked was from a 50k cycle… my legs just went about 35/40k in and it was torture.

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You see a lot of fat lads out cycling what look like decent distances. They must stop for a lot of buns and coffee.

I’d say social running is harder than social cycling. You cannot freewheel running ?

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Some of them have all the gear the best bikes and Oakley shades . If you see a group of 3 they would hardly salute you . Pure ignorance. Out for a flat cycle , they seem to avoid the hills .

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Before I got a motor I used cycle absolutely everywhere. I don’t see the allure of it as a pass time, maybe as a leisurely activity on an evening like this for a few miles.

Lads going out in the pissings of rain and wind and it freezing. For enjoyment. I don’t get it

The rule of thumb would be 6:1 cycling v running. So 5km running would be around 30km cycling. But with cycling if your not doing 1:10 km to metres climbed your at notin! So if you cycle 50km you’d have done around 500m climbed. If it’s less than that then your average speed should be higher, as in 25km/h would be a good enough average but you’d be looking to be up around average 28-30km/h in the summer when fit. Conversely if you’re climbing and your 50km has say 1000m on it then your average speed will suffer but that’s understandable. If you saw someone cycling 50km climbing 1000m and their average is 25km/h or higher then you’d be talking about @balbec standard.
Here’s an average I did on Sunday for example. Remember I’m a sprinter not a climber!!


Would you agree with my original assessment, 5k running at about 75% is about equal to 50k on the bike on the flat
Here’s my two outings today, the bike felt much easier though both were handy

I think it’s impossible to compare. I think I’d be pretty wrecked if I did 40K on a bike whereas 10km running at an easy pace wouldn’t take anything out of me.

It depends what you put into it I’d imagine. Anybody can cycle at a leisurely pace

A good club cyclist told me that he’d equate the Wicklow 200 to a marathon in terms of endurance and pure mental fatigue.

I don’t think you can really compare for shorter distances but if I had to I’d do it based on time. Based on no science, I’d need double the amount of time cycling to feel roughly the same as running. So 30 mins running would probably be 6-6.5km for me and that’d be the same as 60 mins (with @Locke’s 10%) cycling which at max effort would be around 30km for me.

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You took it handy on an Uber flat route, wouldn’t break a sweat on that spin if it wasn’t 27C

To emphasise your point

Best club cyclist I knew would find a 10km very difficult to run. Fit as fuck. Did Mallorca 312km spin, averaging over 30km/hr. Has done Sprint triathlons and is off the bike early but just gets passed out on the run. Tall, thin, super fit. Just can’t run for shit

On the other side, there’s a guy I know who’s a real top runner. His 5km PR is 15 and change. Has raced countless ultramarathons, and by race, I mean would be challenging for the win. He can’t hack more than. 30/40km on the bike.

Some people are more naturally suited to one or the other. All things being equal, if I applied equal effort to both sports, I’d be a far superior cyclist than I’d ever be running. I’d much prefer it too, only the time has been the factor against me last few years.

I’d imagine by the time I hit 50 I’ll be cycling, hill walking and golfing.

Where do we log our training runs ?