The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

We need some blinkers or headgear as you are not pushing yourself based upon heart rate. You are getting close to a timeform squiggle!


He’s only going through the motions - i’m not sure he wants to be a runner at all.

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That HR :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I’m going for a run lads. Going on the roads. I’ll try and do 12-13km…will report back.

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Ha, I knew someone would comment. Realised half way through the watch had come loose. Was under too much pressure to go fiddling with it.

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In a 5k, you go out hard and hold on for dear life. It’s meant to hurt. You should have gone out at 3.50 pace.


I did intend to go harder the first 1km, I looked a few times and I was going 3:30 - 3:45 pace, but when I checked with 50m to go I was heading on for 4mins, so was disappointed with that, dunno what happened.

The next 1.5km is uphill and pretty exposed in terms of wind (I’m happy enough with that stretch).

Km 1 and Km 4 I should I have been faster alright.

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my tactic for a 5k is pick the target pace minus 10 seconds and try to keep it even, say 6:15 a mile, its a bit easier than going nuts and trying to hang on, you can set it up on the watch that way, if it goes south, then fuck it


Fcuk that

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I have a business meeting tonight which will likely balls things up. Called at lunchtime and can’t be helped.
If I have anything in me, I’ll go tonight when I get home.

I’d be taking as many notes of what these runners are saying Sylvie


I plough my own furrow wonkly

I felt I was going hard for my 5km, but averaged 153bpm. It felt tougher. My last 2km were my quickest. Gonna go out harder the next time.

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To use a golfing analogy, I’d a better back than front 9 today


You have to ask yourself did you leave everything out there, did you empty the tank and did you drain the battery — If the answer is no you didnt do it right.

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There isn’t a hope I’m gonna do a 20:30 tomorrow, you’ve bested me again you bastard. Fair play. :clap:

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No. I’ve finished races before where I felt I’d puke. There’s a photo of me at finish line at Dingle Adventure Race. I’ll WhatsApp it to you. I absolutely emptied the tank after four hours of going and then had to stop suddenly as the finish line brings you into a tent. Thought I’d puke straight away. Two cans of Tom Crean (they were giving them away) sorted me out.

On Saturday , I jogged the 2km home and engaged in coherent conversation with the mother in law when I got back .

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Will you come into this dressing room after the match, turn to your friend beside you and say “I could have done no more” ? Or will you be sitting there, with your head in your hands thinking " if only… "


Yep, hard luck @TreatyStones, that was a bag of shit really

Or ‘where are we heading for pints’

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