The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Had another go today and shaved a good minute plus off my time. Went a bit of a bogey route but so be it. Can I submit this instead?


Did you run up khyper. You could have done two loops of the acres. Much easier.

No up around the perimeter of the field above it. It was level enough. Ran up khypher last week. It nearly killed me.

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You can mate :facepunch:


Is tomorrow evening ok @caulifloweredneanderthal?

Intended getting out over the weekend but didn’t happen between one thing and another.

Go for it mate

As long as lads are getting out running, I’m happy

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Spot on I’ll report back on the morrow.

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Decided to head on a longer run this evening. Probably the most comfortable I’ve felt running so far.


I would slow that down further. Run your sessions hard and keep it very easy on other days. I would have run way slower than that today.

I know, I had planned to go handy but when I actually got moving I just felt like going a bit quicker. That’s the quickest 10k I’ve run so I obviously didn’t need to be doing that this evening, but just felt good.

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What time was it?

I hear you, but if you intend to do a session tomorrow it would be counter productive.

It took me a long time to cop on to ‘easy days easy’.



I won’t get out tomorrow or friday I’d say.
I think I’m going to try and give the 5k another rattle on Saturday. The run Monday is bugging me.

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46:15 (for 9.93km)


Great time but you’re a little short

Could someone please give me a brief plan on how to comfortably get from 5km to 10km along the same lines as a couch to 5km one?

Don’t say run further and for longer, I feel like I can’t go beyond around 5.3km at present.

You can. Go slower than your current pace…

Just run 5k as often and as easy as you can.

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Set time targets, forget about distance. Head out to run comfortably for 30 mins with no stopping. The following week go for 35, following week 40 etc. Your average time should likely drop each week but when you have a time goal rather than a distance goal I find it easier to maintain a manageable pace.