The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

+1 on this. I went out Monday at 2.45pm. Told the Mrs I’d be home by 4pm. No real distance target in mind, but knew that was my window of opportunity (think I was on dinner duty or something). Ran for 74 mins, 10 seconds. In the door exactly at 4

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Sorry I’m so late with this, I was away all weekend and only got back yesterday. Dont include it if you don’t want to.

The 5km was 28:39 I think.

Very bad, I’m embarrassed with it. However conditions were awful and I basically slept through it. This will motivate me to do a good time next month.


Is there any way on Strava that you can tell it to stop recording after 5km? Like just programme it for a 5km run?

No but on garmin connect you can. This will then sync with strava.

I’ll log it mate :+1:

All up hill mate, you didn’t do yourself any favours. In fact you did an anti- @Gman on it

You should have ran down the hill instead of up it!

You’d probably be even quicker if you didn’t stop for photos every 2 minutes.

When you’re hiking it’s easy enough take a quick photo mate.

The TFK way

I fucking destroyed you.

here, you’ve enough to worry about @wonkly_toes with your last time logged.

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I’ll be good…

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This is what I did, thought I’d never get further than 5k but after a while ( a good while) I started stepping up to 7/8k without too much difficulty. The first 10k I did was one of the most enjoyable runs I’ve ever done then.


Just did 14k almost by accident. The river is flooded over the banks. In July :eyes::eyes:
So had to head down river on the high bank. Was very muddy and heavy. We averaged 5.15.
There’s a good half marathon route in it if the level drops back.

Is your watch hooked up yet to Strava?

No, I have to update the software by plugging it into the computer. Meant to do it last night but hadn’t the energy. Will try today.

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How did it feel? Mine the other day felt good. I went out really easy and gave it more clip going back as I had a tailwind :joy:

Have been childminding since . Might get out tomorrow evening or Saturday morning. Will pack the trail shoes for going down home Sunday

The banks were flooded here.
There’s not many bridges. We headed downriver which was very wet, heavy and a bit slippy. It felt much harder than heading back up the far side which was a bit less wet as the bank is a bit higher and a bit less standing water.
We were tipping along nicely but one lad started struggling so we slowed up. Head and lungs felt very comfortable once we settled into it. Reminded me exactly of multiple laps of the wet heavy pitch when hurling or rubby training back in the day.
Legs got tired and heavy, but there’s a nice off road half marathon course combining the usual run with that.