The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

@Bandage has been running 5 k for 4 years now … how much longer do you think he needs to do it?

@Mac had the better approach - run to time instead. 2 weeks of running 30 mins. then 2 weeks running 35mins and on you go…

How long has he being running consistently?
A 5k once a week or every second week is not worth a damn. Formula is simple, get out and run often. It’s not complicated and there are no quick results.

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He seems to have no trouble doing it longer

I’m here in the room, guys. Stop talking about me.

For those of you who do a bit of cycling as well as running

Cc @locke @backinatracksuit @mac @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and whoever else owns some Lycra

I might give this a rattle week after the half marathon (which I may not downgrade to 10 miles taking this into account)

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Good spot. I might give the Bunclody one a batter. Haven’t been on the bike since April though and I’m assuming the route will head up Mt Leinster :grimacing:

Finally bought exercise bands @TheUlteriorMotive… Game changer. Did a couple of rounds of hip strength / mobility and feel like a new man.

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9km just under 49 minutes. Furthest I’ve ever ran in one go. Measured it on @Enrique app, we found it tough as the two of us were up drinking cans and arguing about American politics till 4am.


Nailed it this morning, had an easy week so legs were fresh but didn’t think I had that in me.


Jesus, some going

Savage. Where you do that?

Laps in Marlay Park, paced it pretty well and last km was my slowest so couldn’t have gone any quicker. Almost a PB for me.



That’s the 1k loop in front of farmers market?

You are in sub 17 shape. That’s a hell of an effort on your own. In a race, you are comfortably sub 17.

Fair fucks, that’s some going

Fuck you.


That’s what I’d planned but had forgotten about the farmers market. Had to cut across the middle path so it was about 5 and a half laps of that. Have entered Tallaght 5K in a few weeks so hopeully can go quicker there although not sure how they’re going to manage it.


Fuckin hell,making the rest of us look like cripples

And how do you think us actual cripples feel?

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