The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I’d say I’d be lucky to be starting in the right field most of the time. :sweat_smile:

I took the terrier out to Curraghchase this morning and just ran around for 10k, had no idea where i was going and didn’t follow any arrows, it’s really great out there, endless paths going in all directions, really enjoyed it.
The dog ran alongside me mostly, ducked into the bushes every so often when something caught his eye but he stayed close by, great fun



PS FAO of @Locke my knees aren’t up to another fast 5k, it really battered them, so I’m not going again. I’ll leave that 5k as a target til Galway get knocked out of the hurling, so it may well be there until 2021 or oh two two.
One year username to change as the winner sees fit.
If my knees improve I might give it one more go, but I’d say it’s unlikely.
Out again tomorrow.
Over 10k or more I can stride to land my feet gently. Over 5 k fast, I just can’t. I have torn cartilage in both knees and have declined surgery, steroid injections, and, most recently injections of my own blood spun down.

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I’m happy to leave it go, mate. Not going to trouble you, you’re the faster jogger :clap:

Much more fun. Found a little trail I never went down yesterday said I’d give it a go. Was ducking and diving and getting pines stuck into me and then realised it was a dead end and had to go back through it. When you’re running the trails you’d sometimes be too stubborn to turn around and accept defeat because you always think there’s a way out.

What are you trying to prove exactly? You can’t be enjoying this.

I like exercise. I like running early in the morning with a few pals. I didn’t like the fast 5k.
I’ll try an off road half marathon next.


I’m heading out for a run around 9pm tomorrow on the Slieve Felim way apparently. Might need to pack a head torch

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Tis like winter over here

The father looking out the window at 10 tonight. “It’s fucking dark already… And that Liverpool crowd won’t win the league for another 30 years”


Went for a 10k yesterday in the park. Like flatty I just dont think my knees are able for a fast 5k at the moment. Had been planning a few sessions doing sprints to improve pace but it’s not worth the risk. Aiming for below 50 minutes in the next fun run which should be easily manageable if k plot out a decent route with no hills.



Grand and handy one this morning. Perfect conditions around the Blackrock loop


A shame you didnt record the time pal.

57:26 for 10.2k. 5:37 pace

13.5km tonight along the Slieve Felim way tonight on a stretch that I’d only been on on a mountain bike years ago. Beautiful evening for it. Probably had ten minutes or so of decent brightness left by time we finished


Which stretch brah? Had a fella on to me earlier about doing Silvermines & Keeper in the one day, no idea whether it’s roads/forest roads/trails between the two or what the craic is.

Well chief

The stretch we did last night was from Toor to almost the Thurles Road out Lackamore direction and back. We turned back just before the turn off. I’d say the trail stretch there is about 7km, as we had about 13.5 done. We went a handy pace talking the whole way around and catching up, without feeling any real pressure. We didn’t go hard, about a 6:06/km average but if you bothered you could clip it much faster. We also had trail shoes on when you could easily run that in a road shoe. My running partner is a far superior runner and much fitter than me, so I got a HR check off him cruising down towards end as I left my HR strap at home. 120bpm, so I’d conservatively add another 15bpm for me.

Re your question , I’ve ran up in the Silvermines and around Keeper multiple times, but to my Shame, I’ve yet to link up the two in a single run. A neighbour of mine regularly gets the wife to drop him up at Step on the way to going shopping in Nenagh and he’d run home (about 22/23km). We’re about 3km from the Doonane entrance to keeper. If ye start in Silvermines itself , you’ve a bollix of a road climb up to the Step forestry. About 3km I reckon. That’s where Slieve Felim Way starts but some people would just skip that and start up at car park at Step. That to Keeper summit is probably the only real technical part of the SFW (if going Mines to Murroe), and at that, not particularly technical. I’d still recommend trail shoes for that section as you’d have a small bit of open mountain, but on a dry day you should be grand regardless

My friend is thinking of doing the full SFW later this year. I might do 25-30km of it with him, but I don’t think I’ve a full attempt in me this year. We were talking about shoes options for it. We figured out that you could pretty much do the whole thing in road runners (I’d estimate nearly 10km of it is on actual road and the majority of the rest of it is on forestry roads). Something like the Salomon Speedcross would be too rugged for the roads. We discussed the option of using them for the start and switching out at bottom of Keeper to a road shoe. Alternatively, I always have a pair of Asics trail shoes hanging about. They’re not as grippy or rugged but with not particularly technical terrain, they’re useful as they have more support and are much easier for road running than the Salomons


The options for trail shoes have gone through the roof recently, I’ve heard good things about the Hoka speedgoat as a multipurpose shoe, good for the road and any trail where you’d hope to move quickly, toe protector and metal in the sole etc
I’m have a pair of these New Balance, they’re grand and I don’t do enough tough trail stuff that I’d need to change them for a while,
Nice job BTW

Yeah loads of options depending on the surfaces you’re going to be hitting

We only had about a km or two where trail shoes were necessary last night, but even at that, take your time through them in road shoes or even walk them and you would have no problems.

Lovely leisurely jog. Don’t have the elevation stats on it but probably only c.300-400(max) metres. Time included a piss stop and a few stops observing the scenery.

I hope to do another run before we go back so might just hit the forestry behind the parents’ land tomorrow