The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Top man.

I’ve never been up Silvermines and I’m keen to find another route on Keeper, as I’ve done it a pile of times before. There’s a fair amount of neglected hills in that neck of the woods. Have you ever been up Mauherslieve/Mother Mountain?

I love a run like that.

I was up there few times, but it’s been a while. I would find Silvermines nicer for running than Keeper, if I was honest. There’s a mix of terrain. Park up at forestry entrance to Step and make your way through the forestry road out onto the open mountain and run along the ridge. Beautiful views and nice soft, boggy ground, even in summer…proper running

I’d love to do the SFW. My mate would be too fast for me but I might set off with him and see what I can mark off on the day at my own pace. Lots of places where you could decide to call it a day and get a lift. Most of the hard work is early in that route, with a kicker of a 2/3km climb around 30km in. The last section is apparently downhill for the most part so if you could got 33/34 in, you could try and cruise the last part

Tired legs and descending don’t make good bedfellows.
I was more thinking of the gentle ramble out at an easy pace, stopping for a chat and looking at the scenery.
That’d be an epic run though.

Yeah last night was my favourite run of the year to be honest. Nothing too strenuous , a little climb for first few km and a few bumps after that , with a little climb on way back that we actually walked as it was through a waterlogged field.

It reminded me that running with others is much easier. It was a brilliant catch up. I didn’t realise that his wife had switched jobs, that our fathers were born the same week and so on.

Didn’t notice the kms clicking by and saw the sun starting to set. Lovely views over to East Limerick.

I do the derroura mountain bike trail as a run with one of my best few pals whenever I’m home. I love it.
I’ll run it with you sometime.
If you’re free the last week of August and fancy giving it a go, let me know.
We could try and visit @Lazarus after.
Run, swim in the lake, coffee in oughterard and a pint* and a 9 euro pizza in town would be an epic TFK day out.

  • Several
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Mightn’t happen this time round for me that time of year but this will happen in the future :+1:

*Bar coffee.

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You can have tea mate.
Seriously, we could do it just before the Christmas if there’s a tfk shindig in Galway. Might need to take the swim under advisement.

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Would you ever got out on the fells over?

Ah yeah an odd time. Done a couple of trail runs. A few lads I cycle with are excellent.
One has done the Bob Grahame and paddy Buckley. Another has done the MdeS, Gobi desert and loads of others, another the Celtman.

Tough boyos so :muscle::+1:

They are all quiet and kind.
The lad who’s done the Bob Grahame runs like a God. Completely effortless.

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Fell runners tend to be very humble people from my limited experience of them

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Can never catch one up to talk to them

Hyyuuup. The assault on a sub-20 begins here.


Good effort.


Assault on half marathon started.
Could have done 4k further I reckon.
Furthest Matty and Ben have ever run.


Fair play to Ben…

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