The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Fuck off wonkly

I find something similar once you kind of get past 15k. You get into a consistent rhythm as opposed to chasing time on a 5 or 10k and always feel like there is more in the tank when you finish up as opposed to an empty tank from a fast run. Far more enjoyable imho


Doesn’t batter your joints the same way either

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@PhattPike @backinatracksuit

Below screenshot is from five years back but what I’m trying to demonstrate is that there are other ways to top of Keeper from car park if you’re willing to do some proper off roading and bits of hiking. There are a multitude of trails around the place (even run down from car park, take first left, continue on for a while and you’ll see a few to the right and left (left being the one that will take you up to the quarry and back onto the road, then you can go down, go right and continue up a steep wooded trail, take a left and up to the mass rock and back down - options all around the place.)

It also shows how short it is to the top if you’re willing to fast hike up through heathers and run down through them too :grin:

I can take a dig through old files on computer later in week and send on gpx via PM even if ye want them for various ones


Top man.

Passed Keeper & Silvermines there a while back on M7, looked TANTALISING :ok_hand:in the evening sun.

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Meant to comment earlier,
Super running there, the sub 20 is only around the corner,

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Some morning for it. 7km to start the week on a winning way.

Short run around the block tonight, only my second since the 5k… My career as an elite runner was on the line tonight as if my hip was still sore afterwards I was calling it s day. So far so good… I’m out of the next run but hope to be back for the following event.



A devilish amount of calories burned there

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Saw that alright :smiling_imp:

Included a pee stop and three (3) undone laces.
The far side of the river where those fat Pringle and plastic wearing cunts from the golf club have dragged boulders across the entrance of is getting overgrown fairly badly now so the long grass catches your laces (and the nettles your legs).


Who was telling you this? Ben was it?

All my runs are down in a forest on rough narrow tracks. Obviously the tight corners slow me down but does the surface make much of a difference in terms of time. Haven’t really ran on harder surfaces so thought it would be harder on feet, shins.

You will be quicker on roads by a few seconds per km or mile. However, you are better off staying on trails and grass as much as you can. Easier on joints.
None of us are running in olympics any time soon, so dont worry about time.


You’ll probably be going slower but I find trails have less damage on my legs than road running, except when I’m hammering downhills (especially technical descents)

Did a beach and trail run with Mrs Mac on Monday. The first and last km were on the road back to the car. The sensation on the last km was horrible. I can understand now why people find trail running more addictive. The constantly changing terrain and bounce you get off the ground is just brilliant

I reckon it’s quicker on a good trail, significantly slower on a bad one. You can run easier on a trail.

I’ve a pain in my shin since a run on Tuesday, presume it’s shin splints. Any cure other than rest?

Roll your calves especially outside of calves (this will hurt).

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